Saturday 28 November 2020

148 ace attorney 6 - the fighting phoenix

Dear Readers,

I decided there was no turning back now... I chose to battle Phoenix. I told him if it was a trial he wanted, I was more than happy to oblige. I was ready to fight for Dhurke, even if it meant facing off against him.

Phoenix paused for a while before saying all right and that he wouldn't be pulling any punches either. He declared the kid gloves officially off and may the best attorney win. I said you got it!

Trucy was shocked at me being willing to go up against Phoenix. I told her I was sorry but I had to do this. 

Phoenix had a thoughtful look on his face as he said my name and paused again. Then he said he had to go prepare to see me in court tomorrow. Trucy ran after him telling him to wait.

Dhurke told me it was a fine mess he had gotten me into. He told me about Phoenix's newfound reputation in Khura'in where they were calling him the Fighting Phoenix. I gave him my trademark "I'll be fine!" assurance, thinking maybe, who knows? Maybe I could win.

Dhurke then said maybe this was a blessing in disguise, that if we could prove that it was the Founder's Orb, then maybe we could find out whoever it was that asked Dr. Buff to study it. It was the first step of his revolution to restore Khura'in to its former glory and to save Nahyuta's soul.

I promised Dhurke and swore to fight as hard as I could in court to make that a reality. I said we were going to win this one! He said he knew I could do it, calling me son again. 

The stuff he talked about meant a lot to me too.

Also, I know Phoenix is fighting for his client, but I do know that he is just as interested in the truth as I am. I really do think we'll be fine.

Here's a question in the meantime: Whose side are Trucy and Athena going to be on? Will they feel as conflicted as Ema was in Maya's trial? All part of the interesting drama ahead!

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