Wednesday 18 November 2020

138 ace attorney 6 - the mystery of the moss

Dear Readers,

After relating to the Sarge on a more personal level, he opened up to us. He thought the world of his parents and spoke about how much they sacrificed for him. Dhurke said he was feeling about two inches tall right now... 

I showed the Sarge my father's picture again and he asked me to visit him from time to time. I said I would and I'd bring my co-workers too. He was delighted. Dhurke said I didn't change a bit, though I wasn't sure what he meant.

The Sarge helped us access the computer. There was an e-mail exchange between the doctor and whoever asked him to research stuff.

The Sarge also said the raincoat was clean before last night, when it wasn't raining. There's a mystery right there.

We took a close look at the shoe the doctor was wearing and found some green glowing moss. The Sarge didn't have any information on this as he was occupied with his siege defence strategy ever since they moved here.

Dhurke said we'd have to ask the locals if they knew of a place that had moss like this.

There was a small bit of examination to do but nothing crucial. That weird robot thing that said "exterminate" was something the doctor won and not a genuine historical thing. Sarge's room was upstairs and Dhurke suggested he come out for a snack but quickly apologised when Sarge threatened not to talk to us anymore. Yikes.

It was time to go back to the village to mingle with the locals.

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