Wednesday 11 November 2020

131 ace attorney 6 - bumping into ema at kurain village

Dear Readers,

Dhurke, Trucy and I went to Kurain Village. Been a very long time since I was here, though I was never here as Apollo. Some nice animated sparrows on the roof here.

Dhurke found it refreshing and familiar, the mountain air here. It brought back some memories for me too. Trucy was still reeling over the fact that Dhurke not only raised me, but Nahyuta as well. She asked what I was like as a kid and Dhurke said I was full of p!55 and vinegar and he actually said the p-word! I've never seen this used in the series before!

He said Nahyuta and I used to run around the fields naked as jaybirds! And we used to come home crying with leeches stuck on our butts!

Dhurke's stories were interrupted by a voice... it was Ema! He asked if I knew her and I introduced her. She said she wasn't surprised to see us as we always turned up when there was trouble afoot. Then she tried to guess if we were here to see Dr Buff. I asked how she knew, as we were going to see him then. She said it figures and offered to show us the way.

We looked around for a bit. Dhurke reminisced on living in the mountains to escape the government. He said I could come back to Khura'in anytime when he noticed my nostalgic expression.

I liked how I made an observation on the phone booth as being obsolete and Dhurke observed it as something advanced he had never seen before.

We followed Ema to the Doctor's Study.

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