Tuesday 24 November 2020

144 ace attorney 6 - the rising water

Dear Readers,

Dhurke and I had to find a way out of here. The hole we fell through was in the ceiling and it was too high up to return through it.

Dhurke already had a notion to swim out of here through the lake, which tasted salty to him and was a telltale sign of it being connected to the ocean. Before I could stop him he was gone, saying he'd come back for me in no time. I waited.

Twenty minutes later, I was hoping he was okay. All of a sudden there was a rumbling! The water from the lake was rising and filling the room quickly!

I was submerged and had to figure a way out, or at least to survive. I grabbed onto the driftwood and held firm.

I observed the puzzle box was still in place, even though the water had risen above it. I then figured the doctor must've walked out of here at low tide and came in at high tide, explaining the single set of footprints.

I didn't have much time to think. I examined everything until the water rose to the top of the altar and eventually rose so high that I could reach the hole we fell through! It seemed so simple until I saw that it was full of rubble that must've clogged it when we fell through.

Everything went black and my life was flashing before my eyes. I remembered when Nahyuta and I got swept up in the rapids when we were kids. Dhurke called out to us to hold on and he saved us. He held us both in his arms as we held onto him, crying our eyes out. I told him I was sorry and he said that was enough, saying didn't he teach us that boys didn't cry.

I thought back to another memory, that time when Dhurke left me in America. He promised he'd come back when things settled back home. I waited and waited but he never came and that's why I tried to forget about him and my life back in Khura'in.

I drifted away until I heard a voice. It became clearer until I could hear it call my name and saying I still couldn't swim. It was a smiling Dhurke, holding me in his arm as he held on to something with the other. He said he told me he'd come back and I was like but but... and he said to stop talking or I'd bite my tongue.

Just then we got pulled under! Everything went black again.

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