Thursday 12 November 2020

132 ace attorney 6 - looking around doctor buff's study

Dear Readers,

Ema led Dhurke, Trucy and me to Dr. Buff's study. There were shelves of books from the floor all the way to the high ceiling! I then noticed a white outline on the floor. I asked Ema where the doctor was.

Ema then told us Dr. Buff died last night. At the moment they were saying he had an accident and his books knocked him off his ladder. We were shocked.

I mean, par for the course in this series. When I saw Ema I expected someone had died and she was doing forensics, but she didn't say anything until now. Dhurke observed a scholar killed by his own books. We had a big problem getting access to and ownership of the orb now.

Ema also said the one who reported the death wanted to remain anonymous and uninvolved with the police. Dhurke said he could relate to that.

I told Ema we were to receive the Founder's Orb from the doctor and Dhurke said Datz had a written agreement. She asked who this gentleman was and I introduced him as Dhurke from Khura'in. She asked him what he did and he said he used to practise law, but he was taking a break and was now doing volunteer work to make Khura'in a better place! She found it interesting and nice... and technically it wasn't a lie.

She was then floored when she asked how we knew each other and I told her he was my foster father and Nahyuta's father too. She said she was so sorry and understood that we must've had quite a life.

She then said Dhurke seemed familiar. I didn't bring up his infamy or his broadcast hijack.

She moved on to the sacred relic and asked us what it looked like. Dhurke said he had no idea, unfortunately. We were just gonna have to look through the room bit by bit. Everyone was excited about having a look around, including Ema, who asked us to help in her investigation in exchange.

Let's get down to it!

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