Monday 30 November 2020

150 ace attorney 6 - the judge's surprise

Dear Readers,

The judge was surprised to see Phoenix on the opposite side to a very sweaty Athena and me, asking if this was some sort of practice session. We said it was the real deal and he then asked if we had a falling out. I was sweating myself as we said no, we just had different clients. The judge expressed his hope that this wouldn't have an adverse effect on our working relationship.

Athena asked if this really was a good idea and I asked her if she wanted to switch sides. She said she wanted to be anywhere else right now. I said I was glad she was here as I needed her help.

Phoenix addressed me and told me again that the kid gloves were off and he wasn't pulling punches. I said same here!

The judge reminded us to keep this civil case civil.

The judge called for the plaintiff to the stand and out Paul Atishon came, with his carriers and all, starting his campaign already.

The judge demanded he come out of that contraption and take the witness stand, putting him in his place. That was satisfying.

The judge proceeded. He asked Phoenix for an outline of the complaint and he gave it in full, saying the defendant stole his client's family heirloom and he wanted it back.

The judge then asked me for my statement where I made my assertion about the so-called heirloom actually being the Founder's Orb, outlining the recent events of its theft. I said it was more accurate to call it spirited away where it reached the doctor. We learned about it and made contact with the doctor, who agreed in writing to part with it. I said my client also agreed to return it to Khura'in once the doctor verified it was the real thing.

The judge said he understood the dispute was centred on whether the item in question was the Founder's Orb or the Crystal of Ami Fey, which would, in turn, determine the object's rightful owner.

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