Tuesday 10 November 2020

130 ace attorney 6 - taking on dhurke's request

Dear Readers,

Dhurke made acquaintance with Trucy. He told her he was like the bogeyman in Khura'in and was made out to be a big time villain. She was charmed and had a few jokes. He told me she was a real catch and she jokingly called him dad. Verrry funny.

Trucy wanted to know more about Dhurke and myself. I told her I grew up in Khura'in and was raised by him when I was little. She was shocked I never mentioned it. I didn't really have the mind to tell anyone I was raised by a wanted criminal and since I hadn't seen him in ten years, I figured he'd forgotten about me.

He said he didn't, it was just that a revolution takes time and patience. I guess I tried to forget about my past as well.

Trucy asked him what we could do for him. He said he wanted to get the Founder's Orb. She asked him didn't he already have it and he laughed, saying not to believe everything she saw on TV. So it was just a bluff! I asked him what he was going to do if he didn't find it and he said he didn't know, and guessed that meant we had to find it.

I brought up something I remembered reading in the newspaper about them stealing a treasure and he said it was a load of crock, baseless allegations from their enemies. He said his compatriot was on the trail and found out the orb was in Kurain Village. Would that happen to be Datz?

Kurain Village of course was where Maya was from. Dhurke said an archaeologist named Archie Buff had the orb, apparently. The compatriot made contact with him and apparently, someone asked the doctor to study the orb. I asked him if he thought the guy would just hand the orb to him and he said the doctor had already promised to do so, revealing that the compatriot was indeed Datz! It seemed the doctor knew it was stolen and wanted to do the right thing.

I had my own memories of Datz from when I was a kid, running around with him.

Dhurke asked me to be his lawyer once he carried out his plan to take possession of the orb. I toyed with the idea of saying no, but Trucy was really excited about the prospect of an adventure like this, so I reloaded my save and said I would, but I would charge my standard fee.

The subject turned to the Founder's Orb. Dhurke said it was found in an excavation years ago and it was said that whoever solved the riddle associated with it would receive immense spiritual power from the founder herself. I was sceptical, but he said it was just what the Defiant Dragons needed to gain the spiritual power and the legal authority to rule Khura'in. Only the current rulers ever laid eyes on it. What about the doctor though? Ah well. It was very mysterious and intriguing indeed I had to admit.

I had no other questions right now and Dhurke gave me some sushi on a platter as a present. He figured I had trouble having three square meals a day! Trucy was certainly grateful and they both tucked in!

He asked me if I wasn't hungry and I said I was good. This reminded me of that "Eat your hamburgers, Apollo" webcomic Awkward Zombie by Katie Tiedritch. I even got this scene when I was googling the name! Haha!

Dhurke gave me another present. It was a photograph of my father. He said it had been twenty-three years since he passed away. Wow... The picture was of a man in a hat, playing guitar for a few people. I had no idea. Dhurke said his name was Jove Justice and that he was a talented wandering musician.

I asked him why he was showing this to me. He thought it was sad I didn't know what my father looked like so he gave me this. I wasn't sure if I wanted it but he said to take it, as he searched high and low for it.

It was time to hit the road. I asked Trucy where Athena was and she said she went to the airport to pick up Phoenix. Maybe they'll become part of this episode later on! Maya should be with them too, right?

Before we left, I poked around the office a bit to get Dhurke's reactions to all the stuff here. Good fun!

After everything, we left for Kurain Village.

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