Friday 20 November 2020

140 ace attorney 6 - perceiving pearl's truth

Dear Readers,

Pearl was hiding something when I asked her about Dr. Buff. On the topic of Mt. Mitama, she fidgeted with her left hand over some dried paint. I perceived it with a "Gotcha!"

She kept mum about it until I pointed out the yellow and green figure on her painting. She said it was a rain spirit, but I she pointed out the raincoat which had the exact same pattern and colours.

Poor Pearl apologised and went on to explain that she greeted the doctor while painting last night. He was startled and asked her to please not tell anyone she saw him there. Dhurke sussed he must've been on his way to hide the orb after something spooked him. I wondered where. Pearl then said it could've been a cave on the mountain where spirit mediums used to train long ago and that there were some kind of mystical ruins there.

Sounds extremely plausible. Dhurke suggested going there right away and off we went, saying bye to Pearl.

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