Saturday 14 November 2020

134 ace attorney 6 - meeting the slimy politician paul atishon

Dear Readers,

Back at the village we heard a loud voice. It was someone named Paul Atishon and they wanted the people's vote. This was coming from a loudspeaker on a thing called a palanquin, a vehicle carried by servants. Inside was a smarmy looking man in a suit. Ugh. It was a slimy politician alright.

He said we were shady and asked us what we were doing at Dr. Buff's. He said that he was going to be a king, whatever that meant.

Dhurke asked me if he was famous and I had no idea whatsoever. He then bellowed out a campaign speech, to which a local yelled at him to shut up and that he was a stain on his grandfather's good name. He did mention his grandfather was a politician as well.

I showed him my attorney's badge and he criticised me for relying on it to show who I was.

I don't like this guy at all. I saved my game here and just went "Yuck" when I reloaded my save later and his smug smarmy face showed up.

He boasted about himself, his heritage, his vehicle on these narrow roads and steep hills and insisted we must have heard of him. Neither Trucy nor I ever heard of him or heard about him from school. He harrumphed and said young people should pay more attention to politics.

The topic shifted to what we were doing at Dr. Buff's. I told him about the transfer and he seemed to know about the Founder's Orb. He said he knew that it was his. Ick. I asked him how he figured and he said it was because it wasn't the Founder's Orb, but the real name was the Crystal of Ami Fey.

He said it was passed down through generations of his family but it got stolen. Just when he zeroed in on the culprit, the doctor hid it away and then died. This implied that the doctor was the thief? Not sure what's going on.

I said the doctor told us that he had the Founder's Orb. Paul said it was the weird foreigner's fault for filling the doctor's head with nonsense. I asked him was he talking about Datz and he said he was! Yikes. Now we really had to find Datz.

Dhurke asked Paul if he knew were Datz was and he said he was probably at the detention centre! He said he called the cops on him when he found him hiding in his dog's doghouse!

Paul said we were looking for his crystal and I said no, we were looking for the Founder's Orb and we had the documentation to prove it. He said we weren't gonna lay a finger on it, claiming it was his and he was gonna give it to his benefactor.

I asked him about his benefactor and he said they were gonna support his rise to the pinnacle of the political world. He said he had a lot of influence here and he was intending to harness it. I asked him was he really going to give his family heirloom to this person and he said he was as a purely political decision. I asked to confirm if he was really going to get his patron to to get the people of Kurain to vote for him? He boasted about a politician's skill to leverage their connections.

I thought to myself, wasn't it illegal to buy votes?

He told me to just wait and see him reign supreme someday, as if I was in his way or something. Get me away from this jerk.

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