Tuesday 17 November 2020

137 ace attorney 6 - softening the sarge

Dear Readers,

The doctor's kid, known as Sarge, continued talking to us through the helicopter drone, or rather, at us. They called Dhurke Komandir but they called me Private! They also gave me a cleaning job to do. I sighed again at getting another cleaning job.

I made a comment about them holing up in their room and they started shooting again, saying that holing up in a stronghold to defend against an enemy was an age-old military tactic, a timeless strategy still applicable in modern warfare. They then chastised me for mocking the wisdom of their forefathers.

After a while, the topic eventually got to the Founder's Orb. We told the Sarge their father had promised to hand it over to us, but he died before he had a chance to tell us where it was hidden. They got all sad, making sad eyes with its cameras. I expressed sympathy and said I knew what it was like, but they shot at me again, yelling at me, saying how could I understand?

The Sarge said their mother was gone too and was gone for quite some time now.

Dhurke asked them about their mother. They said she passed away about six months ago. It was in a fire in their old apartment. She held them, kicked out a window, and jumped. They were saved, but she died from the fall. Dhurke asked about the one who started the fire. They said he laughed as the fire happened and he was immediately apprehended. Dhurke said at least justice was served and hoped that brought them some solace.

Sarge then said again I couldn't possibly know how they felt. Dhurke gave me a hint and I took it, showing Sarge the photo of my father. I explained he died in a fire when I was little too and that's how I knew how they felt. They softened a little but still pointed their finger saying I still had my mother. I said no, I lost her too. She disappeared after the fire and I didn't know what she looked like. Dhurke summarised and reasoned with them and they finally came round, saluting me and calling me Comrade Justice. They promoted me to corporal!

The Sarge was suddenly more welcoming, serving refreshments. I was able to ask him about the Founder's Orb now.

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