Monday 16 November 2020

136 ace attorney 6 - fetching datz's passport and running into sergeant buff

Dear Readers,

Dhurke, Trucy and I returned to the doctor's study. Ema was still here and she said Phoenix was just here a second ago! She also said his ride, that being Athena, never showed to pick him up from the airport. Didn't say why he was here though.

Ema went back to work while we had to look for Datz's passport and speak with the doctor's kid.

We noticed a little helicopter that wasn't here before and Datz's suitcase was locked. We were going to take it to him but it was really heavy. Dhurke said he must've put his dumbbells in there. How did he get around the weight limit while travelling?

Dhurke then took a look at the lock himself and in no time at all he opened it. He laughed and said he got lots of practice breaking out wrongly imprisoned compatriots over the years. Trucy volunteered to take the passport he fetched back to Datz so we father and son could catch up.

Dhurke and I had a father-son chat. A how are you and a fine and then we struggled. Oh well.

All of a sudden, he told me to hit the dirt! The little helicopter thing came alive and started shooting! Everything went dark...

...and back to light again. Dhurke told me to speak to him! Say something! Then the helicopter withdrew its gun and put out a wagging finger before yelling at us.

It asked us what we were doing, invading Buff airspace. We were puzzled at first, but quickly sussed that it was the doctor's kid controlling this thing remotely. Dhurke advised me to play along and acquiesce to calling him Sergeant Buff.

Gosh... it had a mustache and everything. The Sarge asked us for our names and ranks and everything. It was all pretty amusing! It even yelled at Dhurke about his hair.

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