Sunday 15 November 2020

135 ace attorney 6 - catching up with datz

Dear Readers,

Dhurke, Trucy and I went to see Datz at the detention centre. Very happy to meet a good character again! Had to get away from that slimy Paul Atishon.

Datz initially freaked out and hid under the table, but Dhurke assured him and he came out all smiles and thumbs up! He was delighted to be in a prison that was better than the one back home and suggested Dhurke join him, but Dhurke wouldn't, saying he'd be immediately sent back to Khura'in and executed.

I looked at Datz and found that he had stayed the same. He noticed me too and saw that I had grown up! He was delighted to see me and immediately made fun of my hair. Things were still the same with him. Trucy observed how laid back he was. He was pretty comfortable in a prison setting, saying it was like a second home to him.

I showed him my attorney's badge and he was all praise for me. I said I had a lot to learn and he said not to be hard on myself, saying he'd want me representing him if he needed me.

We immediately got talking about the orb. He was sure that it was the real thing because the doctor was sure of it. We brought up that stuff about the Crystal of Ami Fey and that we were told he was filling the doctor's head with lies. Datz insisted it was the truth and that the doctor's research confirmed it. I was like imagine, a politician who lies! Of course that Paul guy was telling lies. Datz correctly said he bet Paul wanted it for himself.

Datz then handed us the agreement in writing from Dr Buff, which said he agreed to hand the Founder's Orb to the Defiant Dragons as long as he came to no harm.

Dhurke asked him about that harm part. Why was it there? I asked him if he threatened the doctor in any way. He said the doctor's friend told him the rebels were dangerous. I said it sounded like the work of the politician.

Dhurke asked him why he was arrested. He said he didn't do anything but this dog-faced cop questioned him. He said he looked so funny that he started laughing at him and that's when they came after him. Afterwards they caught him hiding in a doghouse. Not the same dog.

Dhurke asked him wasn't he cleared of his jailbreak charges and stuff, and he said yeah, but the cops here didn't seem to like him anyway. His charge was unauthorised entry and they thought he was an illegal alien. He couldn't prove otherwise, because he lost his passport. Oops...

He asked us to find his passport with his winning smile and thumbs up. Couldn't say no to that!

He then talked about the Orb's whereabouts and said maybe the doctor's kid knew something. He said they were a bit of a shut-in, locking themself in their own room.

The guard came and said it was time for questioning. Datz took it as lunch time with a big smile and thumbs up and was looking forward to it. They said he'd get his lunch if he behaved himself.

And they were gone, leaving us with just one lead, the doctor's kid.

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