Wednesday 25 November 2020

145 ace attorney 6 - briefly celebrating our escape

Dear Readers,

After I passed out in the water I came to in Kurain Village to Dhurke smiling and laughing with delight, with him saying it was a good thing my name wasn't Neptune!

I was about to say something when more laughing came from somewhere. It was Datz! He laughed at the snot coming out of my nose.

Trucy wasn't laughing but she was marvelling at my miraculous escape, saying the escape-artist greats couldn't pull this off!

Dhurke apologised for taking so long. He reached the ocean but figured I still couldn't swim, so he found a local fisherman and had him take us out near the undersea cavern. The fisherman tied a rope around him so he could come grab me and we could be yanked back, explaining what pulled us under. That explains what pulled us under.

Trucy said she helped in my escape act too!

Dhurke went on, saying he helped compatriots escape from mountain jails and island prisons but an undersea cavern was a first!

I told Dhurke I was only alive because of him and I thanked him. He said I was welcome and that he did what any father would do for his son... I got that image again of Nahyuta and myself as kids being rescued by him. He said the same thing back then too...

My stomach started growling and Dhurke laughed, saying seawater didn't make much of a meal! Trucy said it was because I didn't have any sushi that Dhurke got us this morning. Datz remembered Dhurke asking him to buy this lovely big plate of sushi he got for me! Dhurke said he figured I was hungry and asked if I was ready to have some this time round. I said yeah and thanked them!

I tucked in and it was delicious! Music played from after you win a court case and it was nice! Dhurke and Datz tucked in too and it was like old times when Dhurke caught raw fish for us to eat.

Datz asked to see the orb and I showed it to him. He and Trucy were dazzled. Dhurke wanted to celebrate the eve of our revolution, saying we'll get dressed up and feast till dawn! Datz was all for it but I wanted to go to bed after all that just happened.

I thought about Nahyuta and wished he were here with us like this. I thought maybe one day we could have happy days like this together once again.

Just then, I was snapped out of it by someone saying they were here for their crystal. It was Paul Atishon again. UGHHH.

He arrived in his carrier thing (I've already forgotten what it's called) claiming he knew I could do it as he was an excellent judge of character as a politician and blah blah. He said he was impressed we made it out of the cave alive.

I said wait a second, HE was the one who shoved us into that pit? He said he just nudged us in the right direction.

Dhurke was not impressed. He went very quiet until a flash of fury came over him and he gave Paul a fearsome glare, calling him a no good, son of a...

Paul withdrew into his carrier and pulled down the shutter in fear, but still had the nerve to demand the Crystal of Ami Fey for himself.

Dhurke barked back saying it was over his dead body. Paul called for the detective, that being Ema. 

Ema said Paul filed a police report, saying we were trying to steal his family heirloom!

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