Thursday 26 November 2020

146 ace attorney 6 - paul atishon shows up and ruins absolutely everything

Dear Readers,

After that slimeball politician pointed at Dhurke, accusing him of stealing his family heirloom, Ema supposed she should ask him to go in for questioning.

Dhurke said he'd pass, saying it seemed the slimeball politician Atishon...

Oh jeez... it just dawned on me. His name is Paul Atishon or "politician". Hahaha! Still... no sympathy for him though!

Dhurke said it seemed that slime Paul Atishon was bent on having him arrested on theft charges.

This didn't look good... if Dhurke got arrested, he'd be sent back to Khura'in to face execution...

Ema said she had to insist he come with her. I went "Hold it!" and said we had a written agreement with Dr. Buff on a transaction for the Founder's Orb. She asked for the proof and I showed it to her with a "Take that!"

She read it and found it agreeable and legal until Paul said it wasn't the Founder's Orb but the Crystal of Ami Fey.

Things were going nowhere fast and we said as much until another voice came along and said it would have to go to trial. It was Phoenix!

What a sight for sore eyes! We greeted and asked him what he was doing in Kurain Village. He dropped a bombshell and said Paul had retained him as his lawyer!!!


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