Saturday 21 November 2020

141 ace attorney 6 - exploring the cave on mt. mitama

Dear Readers,

Dhurke and I travelled to the cave on Mt. Mitama. He was much more used to hiking than I was and I was wrecked by the time we got there, clutching on to a stick.

We entered the cave and the darkness was ink black. I wanted a torch and Dhurke said my eyes would adjust eventually. Then he said I could borrow his... but that that wasn't his voice... it was someone else's. Whoever it was pushed us both and we tumbled down a big drop!

Dhurke asked was I okay and I said I was. He wanted to press on and I had some choices. I chose to go forward, after toying with the other choices and reloading a save I set before the choices. I was wondering how on earth he was able to see in this darkness?

The one who pushed us really did give us a torch! I was full of regret for even taking this request from Dhurke, but he encouraged me to keep putting one foot in front of the other, so on we walked...

An hour later, I was really feeling it. We had been walking ages. Dhurke kept encouraging me to go on. I had another prompt to choose what to do. I made another save and explored them for fun. They were! But it always went to the prompt. I reloaded and pressed on with Dhurke.

He asked me how my career was going and I briefly talked about the events in Ace Attorney 4 and 5, about Gavin and Simon.

Dhurke then said he was sorry for not having contacted me all these years. I said it was okay.

Just then, the ground didn't feel steady and we tumbled more again! Then there was a splash!

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