Sunday 22 November 2020

142 ace attorney 6 - the founder's orb

Dear Readers,

I came to in a strange, ancient ruin of a place with Dhurke. It seems this was a place spirit mediums may have done their training and rites before earthquakes and stuff buried it.

We saw fresh footprints here too. May have belonged to the doctor! We saw a box positioned in the middle of the big stone altar that was here and it looked new. We couldn't open it though.

We noticed the lake was salty and remembered Pearl mentioned the ocean was on the other side of it.

We then took a closer look at the box and found that we needed the doctor's research notes in the evidence section to help us open it.

Each verse corresponded to one of the four dials on the mechanism. I got it right pretty much in one go! After some careful consideration of course. Here's the order I used:

- Dragon and tiget facing each other with people in the middle
- Butterfly and Mitamah
- Halfway between dragon behind people praying and Holy Mother to the left of tiger so it looks like the people are praying in front of her.
- The founder casting some protective round barrier around somebody.

I pressed the button and the box opened! Inside we observed the Founder's Orb! Dhurke congratulated me and said he expected no less from me! He said my court battles formed the man I was today and he couldn't be prouder! I said to stop before I turned into a sun-ripened tomato!

He said with this he could finally deliver a fatal blow to the Ga'ran regime. I asked him how exactly did he plan on using it? Some kind of supernatural thing? A bargaining chip to abolish the DC Act?

He answered he just wanted to restore it to Khura'in where it belonged. Also, he mostly wanted to find out who asked Dr. Buff to study it and why.

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