Saturday 2 January 2021

183 ace attorney 6 - meeting datz, then rayfa at the bazaar

Dear Readers,

Edgeworth and I went to the bazaar to hear the sound of people moving around and what sounded like a lion's roar. It wasn't of course, it was a warbaa'd, but Edgeworth was caught by surprise. We talked about it for a little until we heard what sounded like a gunshot behind us. It wasn't. It was Datz!

Datz put on his goggles and laughed at me getting startled. He said these were the Defiant Dragons' new weapon, called Dragon Snot Snaps. I asked him why he needed those and he said their efforts were beginning to pay off, thanks to TV signal hijacking and stuff, more people were joining their cause. 

Datz also said the regime was knuckling down more, especially after the last case with the late high priest. He said people were calling it the "DCA Tragedy" and it was causing public uproar.

I asked him how firecrackers were going to help him and he said as a diversionary tactic to shake off Ga'ran's goons. He set another one off which startled me and he burst out laughing again.

Just then, Princess Rayfa appeared, addressing Datz. He set off a firecracker and fled into thin air, proving his new strategy worked. Rayfa then turned to me, saying she wanted to speak to me about what her mother said. She said she didn't believe a word of it and her father could not have been planning a coup. She said someone must've set him up and was plotting against him. I asked her how she knew and she said she just did and that the Holy Mother guides her. She said as the royal priestess, she must uncover the truth for all to see. I thought maybe this was just how she expressed her sense of duty.

With her haughty smile, she told me to rejoice, as she was now going to accompany me and bestow upon me her wisdom. I told her it was the best news I heard all day! I said we humbly accepted her company as Edgeworth was willing to go along with what I wanted.

She was delighted and told us to begin with her father's private quarters to search for evidence, determined to expose this as a false charge. She told us to follow her as she ran off in a hurry.

Edgeworth said Inga's private quarters might hold evidence related to his murder, so this was a good opportunity. I hoped Rayfa was ready for the truth we were going to find. We set off after her to the royal palace residence.

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