Friday 1 January 2021

182 ace attorney 6 - speaking with the queen about inga and dhurke

Dear Readers,

Edgeworth and I stood before Queen Ga'ran after she summoned us. She said she wanted to ask us something about the case at hand. I had a few questions of my own.

She asked about Inga and I told him about how he wanted to trade a hostage for the Founder's Orb. Princess Rayfa got so angry she hit me, unable to believe her father would do such a thing. The queen told her that was enough and she understood her feelings, but she believed she knew why her husband would do such a thing. She believed her husband wanted to gain spiritual power and usurp the throne as he was dissatisfied with the current administration. Wow... planning a coup and assassination on his own wife...

The subject of the secret police came up and Edgeworth asked her if she hadn't any control over them. She admitted with embarrassment that Khura'in wasn't the unified realm it appeared to be. I could see that a mile off but I didn't say so. Rayfa was really sad to realise this herself though.

The queen then said Inga wouldn't be able to become king though, because only those with spiritual power were allowed to sit on the throne, which was why he wanted the orb.

The queen asked if I remembered Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin from the first case. I sure did and I'm glad I don't have to write his name out much again. She said he was involved with Inga, who bought him out and ordered him to steal the orb and cover up the theft. Then the orb was sent to Dr. Buff in the U.S. to study.

The topic moved to Dhurke. The queen and her guard expressed delight at his apprehension. I thought the queen seemed a bit too excited for someone whose husband was just murdered. Rayfa in contrast, seemed hugely saddened. I asked about the incident where the late Queen Amara died in the fire. Ga'ran revealed that she was her sister and that Dhurke did it, calling him a demon. I was thinking though that this also set the stage for Ga'ran herself to become queen.

I asked her what she did before she became queen. She said she served in many government positions, one of them being the previous Minister of Justice. When she became queen she passed the DC act.

I asked her what made her pass the DC act and she said it was the event of the late Queen Amara's assassination and Dhurke becoming disgraced with allegations of falsified evidence. Trust in the legal system plummeted and that's when she passed the act.

Edgeworth said that sounded familiar and I laughed an awkward laugh.

The queen said she had to pass the act because the Hall of Justice was a sacred space where victims received their last rites and if the people lost their faith in it, the kingdom would be shaken to its very core. She said it was the only way to keep things going.

I told her this law made lawyers go extinct and the accused had no one to defend themselves. She said she understood me taking issue with this, but she didn't ban lawyering itself and it was still possible for someone to make a vigorous defence, citing my own examples.

I conceded on this point but also argued that without lawyers, there was the possibility of false charges being filed and prosecuted. She said as long as the prosecutors ran perfect trials there was nothing to worry about and asked if I disagreed.

It was Edgeworth's turn to laugh awkwardly, but he instead said let's not go down this path.

The queen also said since they had the Divination Séance, there wasn't any need for lawyers since the dead didn't lie. I brought up my cases where they were used and argued I found the memories of the dead to be less than perfect, so naturally I did take issue with the DC act.

The queen laughed at this, saying my reputation preceded me and that it felt as if she herself were being cross-examined. She said many felt the DC act was a necessary evil at best, but it was a small sacrifice to keep the peace in the kingdom and she had no regrets about enacting it.

Edgeworth then said why not leave it at that, as this wasn't a court of law, after all.

The queen then asked about the orb, as it went missing after the arrest. I said Dhurke had it in the tomb and if it wasn't there I didn't know.

The queen then asked about Apollo, which she called the horned one, assuming him to be a relative of mine. I said no, that he was Dhurke's adopted son. When she heard this she whispered to her guard and then dismissed us, thanking us for our time. We said our farewells.

I don't know what she whispered but I hope Apollo will be ok!

I thought about the next move, maybe to speak with the locals at the bazaar.

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