Thursday 7 January 2021

188 ace attorney 6 - escape from the royal guard

Dear Readers,

I asked Ahlbi if he happened to know why the urn in front of us got knocked over, telling him that Princess Rayfa told me a dingbat dog knocked it over. It was then that he came clean about Shah'do and apologised to me. I told him it was better not to lie to anyone.

Then he said he saw a couple of Americans with weird haircuts, thinking they'd be friends of mine. Edgeworth found it pretty amusing. Ahlbi correctly described Apollo and Athena. I asked him what they were doing and he said they were racing through the bazaar with the Ga'ran Royal Guard in hot pursuit! We wondered why they were being chased and it didn't sound good.

It was the end of this part and my perspective switched to Apollo again.

I ran through the bazaar with Athena, wondering why we were being chased. We dived for a cover in a hiding place. They called out to us in their weird loud voices. There were places to examine but I knew the one place we could go to hide and that was to Dhurke's office through the manhole cover. Athena wasn't too happy about the smell of the sewer but we had no choice. We went in...

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