Wednesday 6 January 2021

187 ace attorney 6 - catching ahlbi and shah'do in the palace

Dear Readers,

Edgeworth and I bumped into Ahlbi when we left Inga's private residence. Poor Edgeworth got Shah'do nibbling on his cravat! Ahlbi greeted us with big apologies! He tried to pull Shah'do off but it ended up leaving Edgeworth gasping for air! Yikes!

Ahlbi said with more apologies that Shah'do had a habit of attacking frilly things. He then said Shah'do snuck in again today and stole a hat that looked a lot like Nayna's.

I asked Ahlbi about the hat and he went into a story about how Datz appeared in the bazaar and freaked both him and Shah'do out with firecrackers, laughing until a policeman took him away. Uh-oh... Shah'do then stole Nayna's hat. This took place at around 2pm. I took down his statement as it would help us with Nayna's whereabouts.

Ahlbi then said he saw something amazing, which was the queen channelling someone. It was ten minutes later when he was looking for Shah'do after he fled. Ahlbi looked around the palace, which gave him the creeps. He sneaked a peek into a small room and saw the queen channelling a spirit for a neighbouring kingdom's king. She transformed before his eyes and he got so excited he took a picture. I said he could've been arrested again and he knew, but he couldn't help himself. He gave me a copy of the photo and said not to tell anyone he took it.

I asked Ahlbi how he and Shah'do even got into the palace as it wasn't open to commoners. He revealed details of a small hole only he and Shah'do could fit through. I told him to go on and he kept blabbing, mentioning the food they had here. I told him trespassing was illegal and he said to wait, and he just wanted to help change the kingdom.

I asked Ahlbi what he meant. He said he was thinking after Maya's trial about how he could help the revolution. It seemed that trial got the public thinking in general about the DC act and making a change. He said his intention was to sneak in and take a picture of one of the royals doing something bad to help the revolution. Edgeworth observed this spirit of revolution building in the populace and the tipping point was fast approaching; it was just a matter of when. I noted the perception of the Defiant Dragons seemed to be changing too.

I then told Ahlbi that he couldn't be trespassing like that, even if it was for a good cause it wasn't right. He said he wouldn't do it again. I asked him if he had anything else to confess and I was referring more to Shah'do. He said he didn't know what I was talking about, with a laugh.

It was a nice try, but the evidence was right in front of us. There weren't any psyche-locks or anything, I just had to examine it.

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