Tuesday 12 January 2021

193 ace attorney 6 - confronting nahyuta about his parents

Dear Readers,

Phoenix, Athena and I rushed to the source of the angry mob and it was at Tehm'pul Temple.

A brief animated cutscene played where Nahyuta was looking over the cops ganging up on Datz until a huge march appeared led by Beh'leeb. Datz shook the cops off and was all fired up for a big revolutionary protest!

The people pulled and pushed at the cops, demanding they release their loved ones who had been detained unfairly. Nahyuta called them unenlightened fools.

I went up to Nahyuta and asked him what was going on? He said the insurgents were fanning flames of rebellion but the crowd was all going to be arrested by reinforcements shortly. I said for protesting? He said they were aiding and abetting a criminal by seeking his release, so the queen ordered they be arrested and judged en masse. Yikes!

I asked him wasn't he once a member of the Defiant Dragons? How could he go along with this? He said he was simply following orders and I said it couldn't be that simple. I demanded he stay as I wanted to talk to him about something. I asked him again did he really want to prosecute on Dhurke's case, his own flesh and blood? He wasn't budging on this point so I went straight to Dhurke's health.

I asked Nahyuta if he knew Dhurke was sick and didn't have long to live, not even to make it until his execution day. He didn't know what I was talking about and didn't know what to say. I told him to knock off the zen monk act and tell me what he really felt. He said everyone was born to fill a role and I told him I doubted taking Dhurke to trial was part of his lot in life. He didn't say anything.

I then asked Nahyuta if he knew his mother was still alive and being held captive somewhere. He admitted as much except for the part about her being held captive. He said Ga'ran was keeping her safe from harm and she was living a monastic life.

I kept after him on this point. I said wasn't he really following the queen's orders because she was holding his mother captive? I then pressed him on knowing that Dhurke didn't really kill Inga? He listened quietly. I told him I wanted to help Dhurke in any way I could, since he didn't have much longer to live. I told him it was our turn to help Dhurke however we could.

Nahyuta paused for a long time. Then he said what I spoke of was futile. He kept telling me to let it go and move on, over and over. He also told me to resign myself to hopelessness. He then said he was finished was idle chatter and left to prepare for the trial.

Athena came up to me and said she sensed a whirlpool of emotions coming from Nahyuta while I was talking to him. She said they were anger, shock, bewilderment and a deep dark icy sorrow. I said it looked like Dhurke wasn't the only one who needed my help now.

Freaking Nahyuta. I'm still disgusted with him for the way he's been throughout the entire game but at least I have a way to help him now as his brother, Apollo.

Phoenix then said it was time to pay Queen Ga'ran another visit and ask her about her sister Amara.

We also pondered sadly for a time, wondering what the heck was Dhurke dying from?

We left the temple, leaving Datz to fan the flames of the revolution.

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