Tuesday 5 January 2021

186 ace attorney 6 - inside inga's safe

Dear Readers,

It was time to check out Inga's safe. It had 4 digits for the combination so we made a guess based on a significant date. I decided to try Princess Rayfa's birthday. I asked her for it and she didn't believe it could be the combination. I asked her to play along and then she told me it was December 24th. Wow... what a birthday to have! Christmas Eve!

I gave it a go and the statue opened up! Rayfa wondered why he would use her birthdate. I had a look inside and it was a letter from Rayfa to her father. The letter wished him a happy birthday and that she loved him very much. She also hoped he would live to be a hundred years old... Oh my goodness... that's so sad... She said she wrote this when she was eight years old. She wondered why he would hold onto something so childish and stupid? I didn't respond but I could understand why he would...

There were other papers in here including one literally titled "Ga'ran Assassination Plan", which bluntly described what the queen was telling us about him! Rayfa demanded to see it and she was very upset, unable to understand. She said it couldn't be true. She said her father would never harm her mother. Poor girl. She must've been really shocked.

Another thing we found was a picture of a woman and a baby. On the far left there was a law book with the mark of the Defiant Dragons branded on it, just like Dhurke had. Rayfa had a sudden realisation when she saw it and wondered how it was possible? She then dropped to the floor with a thud again. She got back up but she was really pale.

I asked her if she was alright. She said how could she be, when everything she had believed were lies. I didn't understand, so I asked her who the woman in the photo was. She barked, saying how should she know and that it seemed she didn't know anything that was going on.

Rayfa thought for a moment before saying she had to ask her mother about the secret she was hiding. I asked about it and she just said that she had to go, saying goodbye, leaving Edgeworth and me to wonder what upset her so much about the photo.

We heard Shah'do barking outside with Ahlbi, so we went out to them.

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