Wednesday 13 January 2021

194 ace attorney 6 - ga'ran admits the truth about amara

Dear Readers,

Phoenix, Athena and I went to Ga'ran Palace to speak with the queen again. We saw her and Princess Rayfa, who was yelling at her for deceiving people. Rayfa ran off in a temper and bumped into Phoenix, before giving him one of her little punches and running away. Poor guy said he was used to it by now.

Phoenix said they may have been arguing over the picture they found in Inga's safe. I wondered if Rayfa knew the truth now and she probably did, seeing how sad and angry she was.

Ga'ran asked us if we were eavesdropping and recognised me as Dhurke's son. I showed her my lawyer's badge and she wasn't impressed. After this I laid out all the stuff about Amara that we learned from Dhurke. She laughed at the notion and her royal guard joined in with their own laughs. I showed them the photo of Amara and the baby and she was more willing to speak.

She said what Rayfa told us earlier, that Amara was in a safe location. Oh well, at least she admitted that Amara was alive.

She then asked me about the Founder's Orb, assuming I knew where it was since I was Dhurke's son. I sarcastically thanked her for the running tour of Khura'in. She laughed and said it was just the royal guard who chased me and I didn't believe a word of it. I had no intention of giving her the orb, ever.

I asked her what she wanted it for anyway and she said it was dangerous in the wrong hands. Phoenix asked her if it really could impart spiritual power and she believed so. She asked me again if I had it and I asked her if it looked like I did.

She then ordered the royal guard to strip search me! They got nothing except my dignity. Ga'ran then said I had hidden it somewhere and said she'd recover it once I got convicted under the DC Act, laughing to herself.

Rayfa then returned, after taking a stroll to calm herself. She declared the people had to be informed about Queen Amara. Ga'ran told her she didn't understand how government and people were supposed to interact and there had to be secrets. Rayfa said it was the Royal Priestess' duty to always speak the truth.

Ga'ran told her her mind was poisoned by Phoenix, who said it was an honour and a pleasure! She then excused herself, saying she had to discipline her daughter. That didn't sound good...

They left. Phoenix suggested we head back to the safe house to collect our thoughts and prepare. I agreed but looked at the throne for a moment, briefly entertaining the notion of sitting on it with Athena and Phoenx grovelling at my feet. Haha! That was kinda fun. Hope Rayfa will be okay...

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