Monday 11 January 2021

192 ace attorney 6 - dhurke drops some bombshells

Dear Readers,

Dhurke finally revealed that his dear someone was none other than the late Queen Amara and she was still alive! Along with everyone else, he thought she had been assassinated, but it seemed she made it out alive only to be held captive by the Ga'ran regime.

What a bombshell! More of them were to come though...

Phoenix asked him if the sarcophagus was empty and he said it was and the tomb was a big charade to stage Amara's death.

Dhurke went on to say that he freed her and they made a run for it. The photo in the pink butterfly pendant thingy was taken then. I noticed there was a fingerprint inside as well.

Athena was all excited to hear about Dhurke running away with Amara, sounding to her like something out of a fairy tale. I thought Ga'ran must've told her that Dhurke was responsible but he convinced her enough to run away to ascertain the truth for herself. Once Ga'ran caught up with them, Amara was taken away to who knows where. Dhurke searched the palace but couldn't find her and thought maybe she was taken to a remote mountain prison or something. I asked him if Nahyuta knew about this and he said that he knew Amara was his mother at least. I asked if this was why Nahyuta was following Ga'ran's orders and he said it was most likely. Athena asked him if deep down, that Nahyuta didn't really want to prosecute him and he said he wasn't one to show his feelings and lately had no idea what Nahyuta was thinking.

Phoenix then turned to me and said we needed to grill the queen about Amara when we had the chance.

Athena asked if the little baby in the photograph was Nahyuta. I said it could just as well have been me as he and I were only a year apart. Athena said it was too cute to be me and I said nothing and thought it would be better to ask Dhurke.

I showed Dhurke the picture of Amara and the baby and asked if it was me and he asked me what I was talking about. Athena grinned and said it was Nahyuta again. Dhurke copped it and said either way, it wasn't me. I said if it was Nahyuta, then he ran away with Amara about 22 or 23 years ago? Dhurke laughed and said I was pretty good with numbers!

Dhurke then said before I left, there was something important he needed to tell me. I asked what it was, noting his uncharacteristic seriousness and he paused for a while. The music stopped too. He then said even if I proved him innocent the next day he didn't have long to live. He said he could already hear the Twilight Realm calling his name. I asked him if this was another one of his jokes and he said he wished it was. My bracelet didn't react. Phoenix asked him if he was sick and he said it was something like that, but didn't specify.

I was pretty upset by this. I said I'd work hard until we could pay for surgery or whatever he needed. Again, he said it was too late and there was nothing more to be done. I brought up the dragon never yields thing and he said he was really sorry. I asked why was this happening. He then paused before asking me would I keep quiet about this as he didn't want his fellow Dragons to lose all hope. I said I would of course... I was still really upset though and it was just as I was beginning to feel close to him as my father figure.

Dhurke vowed never to let them execute him before he got to finish what he needed to do. I said there was no way I'd let them prove him guilty. I was going to turn back time by righting the wrongs that have been done. I was going to restore Dhurke's freedom and return a real smile to Nahyuta's face! I had to win this case!

Dhurke then said he had one more big secret. He couldn't tell me what it was as it would betray a certain someone if he did. I asked what he meant and he said sorry, but I would have to find out for myself! He said it was the only way and I didn't understand. He then said that in court the next day I may find myself faced with "a truth that was difficult to accept" but he knew me to be able to handle the truth, no matter what it turned out to be. He knew because he believed in me, since I was his son, after all! He finished with a big smile.

I wondered if he was going to reveal that he actually was the killer?

Phoenix then said we ran out of things to discuss. He asked if I was okay and I said I was fine. 

I was interrupted by a huge angry crowd outside yelling "FREE HIM NOW! RELEASE DHURKE!"

Dhurke said the party was getting started without him and Athena said it was coming from the temple.

I showed the Pink Butterfly Pendant to Dhurke again and asked how a commoner could win the heart of a queen. He said why and asked if I had fallen for Princess Rayfa! They all teased me then about falling for someone so young! Haha! I had to tell them I didn't say anything! Bit of a clever deflect Dhurke did from himself there. Very clever.

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