Sunday 24 January 2021

205 ace attorney 6 - dhurke escapes!

Dear Readers,

Phoenix and I caught up with Athena in the accused lobby, glad that we were able to make it this far. It was some close shaves alright with all those death threats from Queen Ga'ran! I asked Phoenix if Maya was well enough to testify and he said she slept all day yesterday out of exhaustion and that was it, so she should be fine. That's good!

Princess Rayfa approached us. Phoenix praised her for standing up to her mother and she thanked us for giving her the courage and belief. She offered a present like a cow or a shoulder massage! I said nah it was alright!

Just then the bailiff ran up to us, demanding to know where Dhurke was. I said that was a good question, realising he wasn't here. Datz then showed up sweating, saying he blew it. I asked what was going on and the bailiff said Datz tried to escape with Dhurke! The bailiff started sweating when he said they caught Datz but Dhurke was nowhere to be found! Datz said they both tried to escape together, but he lost track of Dhurke!

I asked if Dhurke was on the lam now? The game spelled this as "lamb", which was pretty funny! Datz said Dhurke told him he had to go save Amara before it was too late. I felt disappointed in Dhurke but Datz told me to lighten up and that Dhurke would be back as soon as he freed Amara. 

The bailiff then demanded we let them know if Dhurke contacted us and that the trial would resume now! Without Dhurke! Phoenix said all we could do now is see where the next testimony led.

Back in the courtroom, the judge asked Ga'ran what we'd do now with proceedings, since Dhurke was missing and legally he had to be here. With a new set of fingernails, she scrawled in her law book that an enemy of the crown may be tried in absentia. Yikes.

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