Saturday 23 January 2021

204 ace attorney 6 - inga's prosopagnosia addressed

Dear Readers,

Now that the Datz in the details had been established, it was time to look at the Insights again to see if anything else was contradictory.

It took me ages to find the next discrepancy that popped up! In the end I looked at Ahlbi's statement again, which detailed the event happened at 2PM. Therefore I had to match Princess Rayfa's 3PM statement with the explosion sensation and make an objection on this hour gap, presenting Ahlbi's statement when asked for it. 

When I proved that Inga's death happened at 2PM, Ga'ran was so furious at being mistaken she broke her fingernails!

The judge asked me to explain Dhurke's clear figure and I said it was clear except for the face! Also, Dhurke was still with us at 2PM!

Rayfa then said 2PM was when Ga'ran was performing a channelling rite and Nahyuta said the palace guards were reassigned to guard the channelling chamber. This raised the possibility of the real killer going into Amara's Tomb unseen. This led to us suggesting the real killer dressed up as Dhurke.

Nahyuta objected to this though and said it was just happenstance. This got us thinking that the killer knew their face wouldn't appear in the Séance vision. Phoenix sussed that prosopagnosia could be at play and we were experiencing that through Inga's eyes. I finally had a chance to explain this to the court with Inga's notepad!

Rayfa was on board with this! She finally knew now why her father wouldn't recognise her when she changed her hairstyle!

I asked Ga'ran if she knew about her husband's condition and she said she didn't see a need to keep it from public knowledge now. 

Rayfa herself said when people had disorders like this, their final memories seemed strange at times and there was precedence for this.

So now we knew that the killer had knowledge of the Divination Séance and Inga's affliction.

I asked Ga'ran who knew about her husband's condition. She said it was a small number of servants and her. She asked if we were going to insinuate it was her and I said no. Besides, she was doing channelling at 2PM. I asked if Nayna knew about it. She said she did, as Nayna was the head servant. I said that made her a suspect, since she knew about the Séance as well!

Ga'ran then objected and smirked, bringing up the fact that Rayfa saw him at 2:30! This cut us back to square one!

Or did it? Our deductions explained everything perfectly except for this one thing. How could it be possible that Inga could be seen at 2:30 if he was killed at 2?

I thought about it for a moment and when I came up with an explanation, I had a big eureka moment! I said he was being channelled!

After Nahyuta helped to rule Ga'ran out by presenting her schedule, I came up with a theory that Maya was being forced to channel Inga after he was murdered. I requested that Maya come to the stand!

Ga'ran allowed it so she could rub it in my face later and the judge called for a recess until Maya could become ready.

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