Thursday 21 January 2021

202 ace attorney 6 - what inga saw, and couldn't see

Dear Readers,

Our only hope at this stage was to attain evidence from Princess Rayfa's Séance, even though it would show her father's death. She was ready this time and went on to perform the Dance of Devotion, probably for the last time.

This time it worked! The Séance became clear for all of us to see!

However, it was vague and disturbing. It showed Inga in the tomb with wine. He walked for a bit before he experienced pain. His eyes closed a few times and at one stage he saw Dhurke standing above him. He pointed his gun at Dhurke and it went dark again. Nothing was clear, not even Dhurke's face. In fact, he didn't even have a face! Even with the surrounding sensation labels it was very hard to see what was going on at a glance.

Everyone in the courtroom was stunned, especially at the figure of Dhurke, which had no face!

The judge wondered if the Holy Mother himself possessed Dhurke and slew Inga for planning a coup. His guess was as good as anyone's and it got the gallery excited.

Phoenix turned to me and said we took a left turn into the twilight zone! I shared something I observed, which was the laughter. Who did it belong to and why were they laughing?

Ga'ran herself smiled in delight. She said our theory about Inga being stabbed in his private quarters was now disproved, since the Séance showed pain. She then reinforced her main assertion and we really felt that backfire.

On top of that, Rayfa went on to deliver her Insight! The grape juice again made me laugh. She said other stuff like the voice belonging to Dhurke and the attacker being the one who let out the laugh.

Phoenix, being experienced at this, advised me to try and poke holes in Rayfa's Insights.

I'm glad she was able to do it this time, but she didn't have the full story. I don't blame her either as it was very vague. I do have a theory on why Dhurke was seen to be faceless and it explains why Inga kept descriptive notes of people: he must have had prosopagnosia or something like that. Just like in the game 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors! I just have to play this game out to the point where this is addressed now.

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