Monday 4 January 2021

185 ace attorney 6 - investigating inga's private residence with edgeworth and princess rayfa

Dear Readers,

Edgeworth and I examined Inga's private quarters after Princess Rayfa graciously allowed and requested us to.

There was a painkiller syringe and medicine on the table. Rayfa said her father had bad back pain and he relied on it. I said I had back pain of my own lately. She suggested using it and I declined, but ninja'd it into my pocket anyway. She said she thought I didn't want it. I didn't respond but thought about going straight to a chiropractor when I got home.

Inga's ink pad was here too. I've seen him stamp lots of things.

Inga's notepad was peculiar. On it were descriptions of Nayna, Dhurke and me, detailing what we wore. Rayfa couldn't explain it and it was giving me a case of the heebie-jeebies. Edgeworth said they looked like notes taken over the phone. That was a good deduction, but why did Inga need Nayna's description?

When I looked at the bed I said I was missing having a nice soft bed to sleep in. Rayfa told me to take it and that they'd need to clear this place now that her father was gone. I asked her didn't she want a memento of her father? Also, I didn't want her father's ghost haunting me at night. She wondered sadly if she slept on it that she could see her father once more. I wasn't able to answer that...

The chair had similar buttons to the ones on Inga's jacket. Rayfa said they were there to massage the pressure points on his bad back.

There was a gaudy sculpture of Inga next to his bed. Rayfa said he sculpted it himself out of solid gold. Yeesh. I found the stamp part that the chewed on to be a little loose and it triggered a little door to open underneath, revealing a secret safe.

We observed the muddy footprints and determined when they must've been made, considering the overturned urn outside.

There was tons of paperwork on the desk, all for executions, some of which were years old.

We found a hair colouring spray on the desk too, which suggested Inga was going grey. I teased Edgeworth about him using it and he snapped back, saying he was happy with his natural colour. Haha.

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