Tuesday 26 January 2021

207 ace attorney 6 - nayna's dramatic reveal!

Dear Readers,

Nayna finally showed up and took the stand. If you ask me, she'll probably be revealed later to be Queen Amara, but let's ride the story out and see when it takes us there... well, IF it takes us there.

The judge asked Nayna if she understood why she was called here today. She said she did and called me a horn-headed nincompoop, one of Princess Rayfa's favourite insults. She told me I was delightfully open-minded for suspecting her of killing Inga and channelling his spirit. I decided to take the compliment.

She went on to testify. The title of it, "I'm No Spirit Medium, Sonny" was pretty funny. She said she was feeling under the weather, so she decided to rest her weary bones. Then she reminded us that only members of the royal family could channel spirits.

At one point while pressing, I thought to myself why weren't things falling into place like I expected? I wasn't getting any new information but it was still fun!

The only place where I could think of making an "Objection!" was when she said Ga'ran was the only spirit medium left in the family and I used the photo of Amara and the baby. It was indeed a contradiction, but I didn't yet know what my assertion was in the larger context of the case. The judge asked for an explanation but I had to think things through in my head. There was the falsehood of Amara's death, and the circumstantial evidence pointing to Nayna channelling Inga.

I started sweating at the gravity of what this meant. I turned to Phoenix and told him he might think I've lost my mind with my next assertion. I then revealed the photograph to the court, drawing shocked reactions from Nahyuta and Ga'ran. She was not happy with this but I had to, for the sake of this trial's outcome. I told the story of the photograph, pointing out the dragon insignia on the book. I asserted that Amara was still alive! The judge and the gallery were shocked. I then said Amara was in the courtroom with us! At this, Nahyuta took out his beads and started chanting, trying to call me out as bluffing. I told him he'd be quaking in his boots once I revealed the truth to him too.

I said at last with a dramatic "Take that!", that Amara was in disguise as Nayna and everything pointed to her being Inga's killer!

Nahyuta slammed his fist on his bench in outrage, telling me I was being beyond blasphemous, beyond even what's found in the depths of hell! The judge was outraged too. Nayna herself was sweating and Ga'ran had a pained expression. I said she'd be able to confirm this if she tried to channel Amara. She then calmed and stated with confirmation that this was the truth. Everyone was deeply shocked.

Now I had the chance! I addressed Nayna as Amara and told her to please drop the act and tell us what really happened!

What followed was a dramatic transformation sequence. Nayna spread out her long sleeved arms and twirled around, forming a spinning cocoon before transforming dramatically into Amara! Hooray! The story took us there! 

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