Friday 22 January 2021

203 ace attorney 6 - datz upsetting the insights!

Dear Readers,

It was time to find something contradictory in Princess Rayfa's Insights of her father's murder, but it wasn't easy. I wasn't sure where to begin.

I did find the strangest thing to be how she identified the man's voice to be Dhurke's, because Inga didn't seem to be alarmed at all when he heard it. He just kept looking at the picture of the founder. I said it must've belonged to a third party.

Ga'ran objected again to the third party theory but I had something to prove the possibility that this was someone else's voice. I took out the crime scene photo and pointed out the mobile phone. I said I believed Inga was talking to a man on the phone.

Ga'ran accepted the possibility and Rayfa updated her Insight to make a man's voice become a subordinate's voice.

Something else happened! The Séance then revealed a lion's roar and a dog's bark! What the heck! How were these not in the Séance before!? 

Anyway this revealed that the call was taken in the bazaar. That was Shah'do's bark and the warbaa'd's roar. Of course, this also means that the explosion and laughter were from Datz setting off firecrackers and laughing at reactions!

I just had to find the correct path to get to this point. Eventually I was able to proceed by matching the lion's roar with the statement about the subordinate in the palace.

When I objected to Rayfa's interpretation, Phoenix advised me that though Rayfa puts on a brave face, she feels more than she lets on. I rephrased my assertion to point out the inconsistency of the lion's roar. I pointed out that this came from a creature hanging out in the bazaar.

She asked if the location was important and I said it was, as it also pointed out the source of the explosion that was heard. She asked me to provide the true source of the sound and I presented Ahlbi's statement with a "Take that!", pointing out the account of Shah'do being startled by the firecracker. This made everyone realise that Datz was the one who laughed. Phoenix said someone should really put a leash on that guy!

Datz laughed from the gallery, telling us we can thank him later! The judge gave out to him. Haha!

Rayfa ended up revising her Insights due to Datz messing her up. At one point, Ga'ran wanted to hammer the point home about the gun being fired but I challenged her on when it was fired. It gave us that little extra bit of time.

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