Wednesday 20 January 2021

201 ace attorney 6 - our plea for a séance!

Dear Readers,

Ga'ran was not at all impressed with our theory of Inga being stabbed in the back at his private residence, then running toward the tomb before dying. She used her "Such insolence!" yell and got Nahyuta to throw his beads at my head!

Nahyuta put the squeeze on me for not having the common sense to acknowledge how painful a knife in one's back would be. Phoenix said that would normally be true and gave me a nudge towards the court record. I said Inga didn't feel any pain and presented the painkiller shots with a "Take that!", explaining that his medicine would make any pain he had there disappear!

Princess Rayfa was blown away by this. The last time she saw her father, he had a knife sticking out of his back and she didn't notice because of his cape!

I wanted to call Nayna to the stand but Ga'ran objected. She offered me a deal like the one Phoenix got with Ahlbi to abandon the case and go home. Her power was that much. I said I wouldn't kowtow and Phoenix had no objections either! Rayfa asked why and I said I believed Dhurke was innocent, that's why!

Rayfa asked me if I wasn't scared and I said the thought of the death penalty under the DC Act made me weak in the knees, but I had a duty and I couldn't abandon it.

This made Rayfa thoughtful. I wonder if she'll be inspired to do her duty?

Ga'ran asked us if we had new evidence to indicate a different suspect and I said the evidence didn't exist, but we still had to carry out a Séance. I strongly encouraged, with Rayfa's help, to carry one out to help us get more information, as difficult as it would be for her to see her father's death.

Ga'ran objected, saying we would waste time if Rayfa collapsed again. We argued that the Séance was essential anyway.

However, Ga'ran yelled "Such insolence!" again, and opened her law book, scratching in it with her fingernail. She immediately declared the Séance to be optional!

Phoenix and I sweated at her ability to just... rewrite the law with a flourish of her hand!

Rayfa then spoke up, saying she was ready! Ga'ran disagreed with her and there was some over and back between them before Ga'ran called her own daughter worthless!

I objected to this and said there was no reason to condemn Rayfa before she's even made the attempt at a Séance. Ga'ran thought for a moment before accepting, but then she made us take a deal to be executed on the spot if Rayfa failed again!

As evil as this was, I opted to call on Rayfa. I told her she wasn't worthless and far from it! I told her if she said she could do it, I believed in her! I told her I had faith in her courage after she collapsed last time.

Rayfa then acknowledged her failings in her recent Insights and Phoenix objected, saying he never would have proven his clients' innocence without her Séances, telling her they provided vital leads to finding the truth. He told her not to take stock in what her mother was saying.

Ga'ran attempted to discourage her again, but Rayfa told her mother no! And made a heartfelt commitment to the Hall of Justice. She said with voiced dialogue that she was prepared to face her father's death!

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