Tuesday 19 January 2021

200 ace attorney 6 - what rayfa saw from her veranda

Dear Readers,

Queen Ga'ran ordered Princess Rayfa to be dragged out of first aid to give testimony. The poor girl looked really depressed. She spoke, asking Nahyuta if he knew about Amara and her... not specifying what it was. He asked her where she heard it and she said her mother told her. Ga'ran said she told her the truth since she cared about it so much and as a mother she had to discipline her. Nahyuta told Rayfa not to let it trouble her as it had no bearing on the case. Phoenix and I wondered what it was.

Ga'ran told Rayfa to testify on what she witnessed to refute our argument about Inga dying before Dhurke entered the tomb. She was willing. She said she was at her private residence when she saw her father go toward the tomb, but didn't see anyone else go in there.

I pressed her a bit and she said she saw her father was pale when he left his residence and she heard a shriek before he came out. Hmm... I didn't press her much further on this for now.

At one point the Plumed Punisher came up and Ga'ran said she banned it in case people were disappointed when they saw the real Rayfa! OUCH! That was cruel!

I went back to the topic of seeing her father pale-faced and decided to press softly, being nice and suggesting a picnic! She threw it in my face. Phoenix encouraged me to be more aggressive with people like her so I decided to press harshly. It did affect her and Phoenix did sweatily admit that I struck a nerve, but I got an extra detail, that she had been gazing since about 2, but her father was the only one she saw.

With this I was finally able to jump in with an "Objection!", using Ahlbi's statement! She slipped up and eventually had to admit she saw Shah'do stealing Nayna's hat. I asked her why she didn't say so and she said her mother told her not to. I turned to Ga'ran and she said she told Rayfa to withhold that point, as it had no relevance to the case.

I objected to this and she barked back with another "Such insolence!", telling me to prove it was relevant. I asked Rayfa what she did when she saw what was going on and she revealed that she went downstairs to go outside and help Nayna, proving that she did take her eyes off the courtyard! When she got there, Nayna was gone and she never saw her again after that.

I knew she was hiding something so I asked her where Nayna disappeared to. With this I was raising the possibility that Nayna had something to do with the murder.

Ga'ran objected and pointed out the footprints when Shah'do spilled the water, arguing that Nayna went to Inga's residence and not the tomb. 

Phoenix asked Rayfa what time Nayna was attacked by Shah'do. She said 2:15. Inga raced out after screaming at 2:30, which suggested to us that he was attacked by Nayna, which would make Inga's quarters the real scene of the crime!

Ga'ran objected to this new assertion we made, asking us if the body was moved to the tomb and I said the possibility didn't exist.

I then argued Inga was attacked in his private quarters by Nayna, but then died in the tomb. I brought up the autopsy report, which never said his death was instantaneous, so I argued that Inga ran screaming to the tomb after being stabbed in the back.

However, Ga'ran was having none of this...

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