Sunday 3 January 2021

184 ace attorney 6 - asking princess rayfa about nayna and the next séance

Dear Readers,

Edgeworth and I went to Ga'ran Palace Royal Residence, but we lost sight of Rayfa. We looked around for a bit. When I saw the overturned urn, I immediately thought of Athena, but it was overturned before we got here so it wasn't her. Edgeworth found it concerning I immediately thought of her when an accident happened. Poor Athena! She had to say it wasn't her when I was examining as Apollo too!

I examined the residence and heard Princess Rayfa sobbing inside for her father. It broke my heart and made me think of Trucy. She heard us and came out, putting on a brave face. She said a dog knocked over the urn. Hmm...

She let us into Inga's private quarters. It was stately but messy. Rayfa summoned Nayna, but then remembered something sadly and commanded me to hold her staff for her. I showed her my badge and she disapproved before trying to bite it! I also took a chance and showed her the picture of her father's dead body. Hooo... not a good thing to do. She put on a brave face but she fell down on the ground. Edgeworth told me to put it away. Oops...

Rayfa declared she would share her thoughts on the abduction. She said her father was wanting to obtain the orb for her sake. I said that didn't absolve him of his role in the abduction and she got angry, saying details would come soon in the investigation.

I asked Rayfa about Nayna, her personal internet. She said she couldn't get Nayna since this morning and saw her briefly after 2pm, but couldn't get her to come. She hadn't found her since. Edgeworth said that sounded alarming, considering the events of the murder and he wondered if her absence was related somehow. We all wondered, but I didn't think she was at the scene of the crime or anything. Rayfa looked worried and hoped Nayna was alright.

I asked her about tomorrow Séance. She was going to be doing it alright, but this was going to be about the moment of her father's death. I asked her if she really had to do it, and if she was the only one, considering it's about her father. She said it wasn't as if she wanted to do it before correcting herself and saying she fully intended to carry out her duty. I thought back to what Maya said to her about being a ruler someday. The thing is, she was going to have to watch the murder of her father happening and come up with her Insights. It was an awful burden to have for someone so young.

We went back to the topic of Nayna, who took care of Rayfa since she was a baby. She was sad to imagine Nayna not wanting to come at her beck and call anymore. She reflected on maybe being spoiled and maybe she could do something nice for Nayna. I told her I was sure she'd be back. I couldn't help but think that Nayna was now connected to this case in some way.

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