Monday 18 January 2021

199 ace attorney 6 - ga'ran's power of prejudice

Dear Readers,

Phoenix and I had to get the discussion going on the possibility of a third party in the tomb, so I had a look at the evidence. I remembered the mysterious bloodstain, which didn't belong to Inga and on the subject of there being no third party, I raised an "Objection!"

When I presented the bloodstain and stated that neither Dhurke nor Maya had been injured, and that the bloodstain had been wiped up, the question became who wiped up the blood and why? I said it must've been the real killer, but Ga'ran challenged me on this, asking where could they have been hiding since the place was searched.

I pointed to the sarcophagus on the diagram, which was where the cursor appeared at the centre of the diagram! I asserted no one would think of searching the sarcophagus for fear of being cursed. When I requested a DNA test of the bloodstains, Ga'ran yelled a new voiced phrase, "Such insolence!", which took me by surprise!

Ga'ran swished her big fan at me, causing a big breeze and said she could still order my beheading at any moment! All I wanted was a DNA test! She then swished her hand and the royal guard appeared with a DNA test done already, confirming that the blood belonged to Dhurke! I was shocked and wondered how!? Phoenix then said Dhurke may have coughed the blood up, which made me think of his illness... I thought about it for a moment. There was a lot of blood and I wondered if he wiped it up to hide his failing health? Was it really that bad?

He then admitted it was his!

Ga'ran then asked me about the argument I just made about the bloodstain leading to the real killer. With a lot of sweatiness I confirmed it... I fell right into her trap. Phoenix admitted she got us good. Her royal guard clapped.

She said only she and her husband could open the sarcophagus with a key. She then went on to make an example of Dhurke in front of his supporters, telling them he broke his promise of a bloodless revolution. Then she assumed the role of judge, calling herself the embodiment of law and immediately said Dhurke was guilty!

I objected, standing up for my right to rebut! She gave me a single chance, calling herself compassionate.

Phoenix told me to keep it going, even if I had to bluff. He helped by telling me to focus on the timing of Inga's murder, like what if it was untrue that he was killed after Dhurke entered the tomb. What if that assumption was wrong?

I brought up the subject of the time of the murder and asked what if Inga was killed before Dhurke entered the tomb? This could account for the possibility of a third party. Dhurke himself then said he lost consciousness the moment he entered the tomb, and even if he didn't, he wouldn't have had a clear line of sight to Inga's body from the entrance.

The judge was on board with this and fortunately, Ga'ran was too, saying she would play along with whatever I had "knocking around in that tiny mind" of mine.

I wasn't happy with how she treated us, but I was glad to be able to go on.

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