Friday 15 January 2021

196 ace attorney 6 - prosecutor ga'ran revealed!

Dear Readers,

On the day of Dhurke's big trial, it started with an animated scene of a huge angry mob filling the courtroom with the flag of the Defiant Dragons before they got beaten down, leaving their flag tattered on the ground.

In the accused lobby, Phoenix told us about how the system works here and about the Divination Séances and how they were simply another piece of evidence to prove your client innocent if that is the truth. I knew Dhurke was innocent but I was worried about the big secret that was going to be revealed today.

Datz showed up and gave me the Founder's Orb. I thanked him and was glad to see he was okay after dealing with the cops the day before. With his two thumbs up he said he was put in the slammer for the night with a fine meal, a shower and even a bed! He was delighted! Athena was jealous of him because of where we were staying. He said everyone was counting on me to win and avoid the DC Act death penalty.

We went into the courtroom and faced off with Nahyuta. The judge announced the trial would examine both the murder of Justice Ministger Inga Karkhuul Khura'in and the assassination of the former queen, Amara Sigatar Khura'in. He decided to start with Inga and asked Nahyuta if it was okay. Nahyuta seemed distracted and stuttered a little bit. I wondered if he was really going to be able to go through with this.

The judge admitted his concern of Nahyuta prosecuting his own father without letting personal feelings getting in the way. Nahyuta said he was ready without question. At this, the gallery erupted into chatter, wondering if Nahyuta was up to it. A loud "Objection!" came from Dhurke! He told his fellow citizens they would do well not to underestimate his son! He said Nahyuta wouldn't let personal feelings interfere with the execution of his duty. Nahyuta confirmed this. The judge yelled at Dhurke for taking the stand without being summoned first! Then he went on to begin the proceedings...

...Before he did though, there was an "Objection!" from a woman whose voice acting I had never heard before. It was Queen Ga'ran! She came into the courtroom and parked herself next to Nahyuta!

She said Nahyuta had some reservations and he insisted he didn't! She then announced she was taking over the prosecution of Dhurke personally! Dun dun dunnnn!

She told him to stay by her side though and witness how she does things. I asked if she really was going to do this and if it was kosher? She said before she became queen she was a prosecutor herself! The judge then revealed that she was the one who prosecuted the assassination case twenty-three years ago!

It was a shock for me, and not just culturally. Phoenix was next to me at least. He said he heard she was Minister of Justice, but she was now revealed to also be a prosecutor.

Ga'ran said she prosecuted the case, but no verdict was ever reached. She said she always won guilty verdicts up until then and no lawyer could stand up to them! The judge was delighted to be able to see her in action again after such a long time.

Ga'ran then summoned her royal guard and made a transformation! Her white flowing robes as queen were changed to a purple outfit, her hair was loose and spread out like spider legs and her face wore a fearsome expression with her eyebrows! Phoenix and I were flabbergasted as we looked at each other. She told us to say our last words while we still had heads to think with, and she was dead serious. She patted her palm with her fan and smiled at us wickedly.

Ga'ran then summoned Princess Rayfa to perform her Divination Séance.

That was some transformation! Some cool new villain music too!

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