Sunday 10 January 2021

191 ace attorney 6 - asking dhurke about his dear someone

Dear Readers,

Athena, Phoenix and I went to the detention centre to see Dhurke. He was happy to see me but when I asked about his questioning, he said Nahyuta really came down hard on him, trying to find out where the Founder's Orb was. When Dhurke wouldn't comply, Nahyuta confiscated what few possessions he had left. I noticed he wasn't wearing his attorney's badge.

Dhurke said Nahyuta also took his jailbreaking tools, but not his badge. It looked like he was going to, but he changed his mind. We wondered why. Dhurke asked me to hold on to it. Wow... something so important...

He joked about having eggs, tomatoes and cabbages thrown at him and said if you were good at catching things you'd have the start of a good meal! I never knew he had it so bad when he was raising us...

We talked about Inga. Dhurke said he was insufferable and unlikable, but he never thought he'd wind up dead like this. The Defiant Dragons came to know him as the executioner, since he'd execute anyone his secret police caught. He said he was probably in hell now, being tormented by the innocent people he sentenced to death.

I showed Dhurke a few things, including the pink butterfly pendant, which made him act awkwardly. He wouldn't talk about it but he wanted it back, so I gave it to him and kept a record of it.

Phoenix suggested I ask Dhurke about this someone who was dear to him, this person referred to in the phone call he had with Inga. It wasn't Nahyuta so then I asked him if there was a new lady in his life? He told me not to be ridiculous, that Amara was the love of his life and there wouldn't be another. At this, my bracelet reacted!

It took quite a long time, but I noticed something shining on his left arm. It was on the statement "But she's gone now", but what did that mean? I presented this to him with a "Gotcha!

I confronted him with this and he was stunned, asking me how I did that. I said it was okay since he was an eligible bachelor, but asked him to introduce me sometime. The pink butterfly pendant came up and I asked to see it. There was a button on it I pressed and it opened up to reveal a picture of him and some lady.

Athena and I teased him about it and he snapped back, saying this was Amara before she died. We then noticed this woman was the same one from the photo Phoenix found in Inga's safe!

We suddenly realised this photo couldn't be 23 years old because Dhurke's law book and Defiant Dragons brand were in the photo and the brand didn't exist until after Ga'ran came to power, which was after Amara's assassination.

Dhurke wasn't saying anything. I said this meant that Amara was still alive and he finally said that I found him out!

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