Monday 25 January 2021

206 ace attorney 6 - maya and apollo meet for the first time!

Dear Readers,

We called Maya to the stand, who was still a little sleepy from being taken out of bed, but she was in good spirits! Phoenix apologised for summoning her like this. I apologised too, saying it was my idea.

It was here that Maya and I finally made acquaintance with each other! It was a nice friendly meeting in strange circumstances!

Then we got down to business. She asked why she was here and didn't know anything until now, including Dhurke's arrest. The judge told her we alleged that she was being forced to co-operate with the killer and she got angry at me. I apologised to her straight away, telling her we were just trying to make sense of things.

She went on to testify and... nothing. She said she definitely didn't channel Inga. However, Phoenix noticed she was being very secretive about something. It was time for me to press for details.

She said she was able to demand and get burgers and a TV from Inga! Wow! She was also shocked at some of the crazier things we came up with, like Nayna dressing up as Dhurke. Generally, she was a delight to interact with and it was great to see her and Apollo meet and talk to each other at long last!

It came down to asking her what she was being secretive about? She said she made a promise to Dhurke she wouldn't say.

Ga'ran then put her foot down, saying it was time to end our "fiction". The judge asked is if there was any proof that Inga was channelled. I said you bet there is!

The judge and Maya were surprised. Phoenix knew I was bluffing but I knew that there had to be something to prove the truth. We came up with the idea of Inga's clothes and brought up the button we found in the tomb. I argued that Maya used Inga's clothes as cover while going from his room to the tomb, where she burned them when she no longer needed them! Maya was genuinely surprised and poor Phoenix was sweating!

Ga'ran objected and asked Maya if she knew Inga's full true name. She said it was Inga Karkhuul Khura'in. Ga'ran said there was much more than that and it was Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III, which made me laugh for quite a bit! That extra bit pronounced like "How could this name be any longer or more pompous than it already is" and it was funny to read!

Maya conceded she couldn't have known this since it wasn't public knowledge and therefore she couldn't have channelled Inga since that was needed.

Our reasoning was sound but we may have had the wrong assumption. We set aside who had the ability to channel and asked ourselves who went into Inga's private quarters. There was only one that made sense, and it was Nayna. Also, channelling him was the only way his footprints could have been made!

None of this was deniable now! I called for Nayna to take the stand!

The weird thing was, Ga'ran allowed for it and revealed that Nayna was waiting in the lobby. I thought she was supposed to be missing? Ga'ran said she came back from hiding out of concern for Rayfa. Phoenix said he believed there was more to this than meets the eye...

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