Thursday 28 January 2021

209 ace attorney 6 - something is wrong with amara

Dear Readers,

After Amara gave her testimony, she presented herself as all high and holy, in a similar manner to Nahyuta. It reached a new level when animals came up to her like she was a Disney Princess. Yuck! Hahaha! Birds and squirrel on her shoulder, the deer and most humorously, the tiger were all there looking at her in reverence.

The judge said I was allowed to question her, but not to point out conflicts, inconsistencies, or any other flaws in her testimony. Yeesh!

Still, because I was here, that meant something was wrong with her. She was the love of Dhurke's life after all, so what happened to her? I needed to find out...

During pressing, I asked her what was in the sarcophagus anyway. She said there was despair, sadness, hatred, and malice... which meant it was empty, but people were too scared of being cursed to check.

Then I pressed her on Dhurke, as he was her husband and helped her to escape. She said it was her duty to lend him an ear, but she still believed he was trying to kill her.

The judge brought down his gavel and said Amara's testimony was flawless. I admitted that a normal person wouldn't be able to escape the tomb, but since she wasn't normal, it got me thinking. I came up with an explanation and it was that she channelled someone.

The judge found it plausible and I asked what she thought. She went quiet for a moment before this terrifying flash of lightning struck down for a brief moment, scattering the animals and even making the judge hide underneath his bench!

Out of pure fear, the judge demanded I retract my statement or be executed! Amara stopped him and said Khura'inism also taught they must respond at all times with reasoned principle. Well it's the first freaking time I heard of this! I've come across little else but barbarism! Although, admittedly, we were able to use to the truth to get this far.

Amara countered my channel argument by saying she couldn't have because there would be two Ingas there, the dead one and her after she channelled him. I admitted this, but couldn't rule it out yet.

I then asked the question, what if there was another victim we hadn't identified yet?

The moment I asked this question, I started to realise something... was Dhurke dead already?

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