Saturday 9 January 2021

190 ace attorney 6 - asking datz for help with old evidence

Dear Readers,

Athena and I were here in Dhurke's hideout, along with Datz, Phoenix and Edgeworth.

I talked to Datz about this place. He said Dhurke wanted to keep it the way it was until the legal system was restored and he hoped I would come back to take over the office someday. Datz told me it was a pipe dream of Dhurke's. I was amazed he said it. Datz then said Dhurke never was a hands-on kida dad, but he was sure there was never a day that went by that he didn't think of me. Aw... he was worried I'd forget about him and I really did try to but I didn't. I was looking forward to a nice, long talk with him once he was free.

I noticed the TV among the appliances and Datz talked about hijacking the broadcast of the Plumed Punisher, the very show where they were the enemy!

Athena and I argued over the creatures hanging from the ceiling, whether they were newts or geckos. Could this be our own ladder/stepladder thing? Phoenix then said we were both wrong, that they were just lizards.

Datz talked about the symbiotic relationship he had with all the spiders, that he would keep their webs while they catch all the bugs that get in!

I observed Dhurke's old jacket and Athena and Datz encouraged me to try it on. Datz said he even had a spare eyepatch! Athena found it all very funny and it hurt my pride... Oof...

I asked Datz about the altar and he said it was for them to pay respects to the victims of the DC Act.

Datz said the knife stuck in the picture of Queen Ga'ran's face was there because he missed while throwing it at a fly, laughing his big laugh.

Then the topic shifted to the family photo of Dhurke with Nahyuta and me when we were kids. Datz remembered the day it was taken and we all went out fishing. Athena asked him what Nahyuta was like when he was younger and he said he was quiet but passionate about his convictions. He achieved his goal of becoming a prosecutor but was now a lackey of Ga'ran. It was the first time I had seen Datz be sad about something. I wanted to ask him more later.

We then looked at the file on the table. It had stuff about the fire and about my father! It said he got caught up in the incident and lost his life too! This was a find for Athena, because I already knew about it. However, I never learned much more than that and assumed it was because Dhurke may have thought I was too young. I never really brought it up because I always thought of Dhurke as my dad. I was never that curious before recently when Dhurke gave me the picture of him.

I asked Datz about Nahyuta's role in the Defiant Dragons. He said he'd give Inga and Ga'ran the smackdown they deserved! But now he was working for them... Datz wondered just as much as we did as to why Nahyuta became this way and his only guess was that Ga'ran had some leverage over him. He didn't know what, but it seemed Dhurke did know and wouldn't say.

I then asked Datz about my own father after showing him his picture. He told me about him and Dhurke becoming fast friends and being invited to play music. When the fire broke out, I happened to be there as well, though I was a baby. Datz said Dhurke risked his life to save me, but my father's belongings were all destroyed in the fire, including any identification. I asked if he knew anything about my mother and he said all they knew was that she was travelling with my father but she was doing something on her own that day. No sign of her since and the upheaval caused by the former queen's death meant that no one could help find her. No leads, nothing. For all they knew, she could've heard of the fire and assumed I was dead as well.

I then asked Datz to help organise the file of evidence. He brought out the thing about Nahyuta being expelled from the royal family because of Dhurke and the thing about the "sins of the father". This meant that he also had a lot of trouble in becoming a prosecutor but he made it.

Just then, we heard someone talking to rebels. It was Beh'leeb! Datz said she was here to lend an ear to all those suffering under the regime's wrongful accusations. She was bringing in more and more believers to our side! Dhurke's dreams of revolution could very well be coming true!

I entrusted the Founder's Orb to Datz. With that done I wanted to visit Dhurke. Phoenix said he'd come along and Edgeworth said he'd hang around here.

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