Monday 7 March 2022

10 xenoblade - mingling in the military district at night

Dear Readers,

I continued mingling in the Military District. It was becoming nighttime.

A man named Andreas came up on the chart as "New recruit" and advised getting to know people. Way ahead of you!

Another man named Nic came up on the chart as "Weak-willed soldier" and he had really low self-esteem. No confidence in himself at all. Poor guy.

A lady named Monica came up on the chart as "Soldier in love". She was indeed in love with someone. She wouldn't say who and told me she expected me to know and wouldn't talk to me because of it. I'm supposed to know through someone else I suppose.

Another soldier said Andreas was the only one who enjoyed working the night shift and wondered why he worked so hard.

Another soldier thanked me for modifying his Scrap Driver some time ago.

A man named Arnaut wished me good morning as it was morning for him. He slept during the day and woke in the afternoon. He didn't advise this kind of lifestyle though. He came up as "Lab chief candidate". He said he didn't remember the last time he was home and asked me to check on his daughter for him. This wasn't a quest.

A soldier with a quest brought up the pool below Outlook Park and asked if I had ever been there at night. He said there was a monster there called Lake Magdalena that appears there and asked if I would defeat it once and for all. I accepted. He commended my courage. He said my Break art was ideally matched with Reyn's Wild Down and advised using Topple on an enemy that has been inflicted with Break so it'll fall over.

A little furry thing named Mefimefi said she needed an assistant and wanted to work close to where she could get materials. She wanted to move closer to nature. I keep forgetting they're Nopons. She came up as "Healing scientist" on the chart.

In an alley a conversation popped up between two people. One said someone had a thing for Erik and annoys him at lunch. I guess she's talking about Monica? She said Monica slacks off and Dorothy cares about other people a lot more. The soldier she was talking to said she was tired of taking care of useless men all day long and she was happiest when she was able to speak freely like this.

Another soldier with a quest said Ridge Antois appeared outside the Commercial District. He asked me to defeat 2 of them. I accepted. He said they appeared at night. He had another quest for Cute Brogs on the beach near Anti-Air Battery 1. He asked me to defeat 1 as they were short staffed at the moment. I accepted this too. He thanked me again and again said these ones only came out at night. He had another quest again for Colony Krabbles that lived near Cliff Lake. He asked me to take out 3 of them and I accepted. He thanked me a lot and said having me around was like having 100 extra troops. haha. He went on to say the ranks weren't exactly harmonious, saying Captain Raoul and Captain Emmy Leater didn't get along. He made me swear to secrecy though.

A soldier on lookout said all the lights in the night sky were ether particles. At least they call them stars too. I don't want to call them ether particles haha. The other soldier on lookout advised to fight monsters for treasure but fight wisely.

I then met Erik, who was being followed closely by Monica. Yeesh. He came up as "Two-faced scientist" which doesn't sound good. He was lost in thoughts about his own research. I spoke to Monica again and she was absolutely besotted with Erik. I later found them both in another alley. Not doing anything, saying the same things as before but they were just standing there. That's it. Mightn't be the healthiest thing happening but I don't know for sure. There's that link between them established at least.

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