Monday 21 March 2022

24 xenoblade - exploring hazzai cape and agora shore

Dear Readers,

We went back to Colony after getting our butts kicked by those bigger versions of bunnits and caterples. There were some completed sidequests to cash in on.

I gave the sweets to Suzanna and the following conversations led to links being established between her and the other lady who liked flowers. Some affinity grew with Fiora here as well.

Lukas then had a dilemma. He said Niranira went to Hazzai Cape all by himself. Moritz told him to get a Krabble shell and he would be in serious trouble since he's just a little guy. I accepted the quest. Some affinity grew with Reyn here too. Moritz cheekily said Niranira probably got scared and ran off crying somewhere. Little jerk.

Well, we went to explore Hazzai Cape. There was no road there I could see, so I swam across. There were krabbles there but also enemies that were level 70! We died fairly quickly when we got to them and got warped back. No sign of Niranira anywhere.

We explored more and found an inland cave area where we found the Lake Magdalena! It had the serious music but it was easy to defeat thankfully. We just had to attack while standing on the beach there. It was underneath the Outlook Park area. Nice to get that sidequest out of the way!

Outside and near here was an area called Cliff Lake. There were really strong enemies here too. It was weird because it looked like it was part of the starting game area, yet it wasn't? Anyway I tried to avoid what nearly killed us there.

Then we swam around the south part of the body of water and round to the other side of Hazzai Cape. Exploring in the water takes ages and I feel like I'm taking a more difficult way than I should be taking haha. Oh well, at least there's the odd item in the water.

We got to Hazzai Cape and beat up a bunch of Crabbles, one by one. It was a lot of fun this time. We avoided the water with the really powerful enemies too. We even found Niranira, who was sitting at the edge of the little cliff. He almost blended in to the grass. He went home.

We continued past Hazzai Cape to Agora Shore, where there were many Armu that were very powerful. We avoided them and found another heart-to-heart spot that wasn't available yet.

Further on we came across more powerful Brogs in a part of the land that seemed to go into a quiet corner. Then we saw an absolutely gigantic one called "Gentle Rodriguez"! OMG it was terrifying! We scarpered before we were seen! It's LV40 so we were no match for it as our LV11 selves!

There seemed to be no road out of this area. We swam away when we ran out of land and round Anti-Air Battery 2. Then we found an area and an island with very powerful and big Flamii birds, so we just warped out of there.

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