Thursday 10 March 2022

13 xenoblade - mingling in the residential district at night

Dear Readers,

I became Fiora and visited the Residential District of Colony 9. I met the soldier who stood in front of the mech that crashed into a house. It was the first thing I saw. It was nighttime.

A resident was looking for Yolkless Flamii Eggs for an omlette for his girlfriend. I agreed to get him one, but an egg that's yolkless? Sounds joyless. He said he didn't feel safe outside the colony at night, saying Brogs were on the beach at night, whatever they are.

There was a couple at the tranquil square. The lady seemed to be really into the dude. The guy just talked about how the army was amaterish until last year when the big battle happened.

A Nopon talked about Outlook Park and how you have to go up really high to get there. You could even try diving from there if you were brave enough. Also she advised to avoid going there at night. Hmm... might mingle 'til the morning.

A Nopon named Zukazu was hopping around near a tree. He said Marcia hated him and only liked Jiroque and that made her stupid. Yikes. He came up as "Cares for his brother" and there was a hostile link between him and Marcia. Wait, this was one of the brothers? Marcia is a human though? Strange.

A soldier named Minnie was annoyed at having to go on watch duty again and was going to have a go at Monica next time she saw her. I think I met her already? She comes up as "Spirited Soldier".

A Nopon named Jolele said he was the only family his grandchild had. He came up as "Doting grandpa".

A resident said he lost the tool he needed for work, a spanner. He couldn't make money without it. I agreed to find it for him and I already had it so this quest was complete. Woo! He seemed to be into Désirée but couldn't work up the courage to talk to her. He didn't want to give her more problems. Aw.

A shirtless guy named Peppino came up as "Fancies himself a loner". He said it was pointless arguing who the nicest girl was as everyone had their favourite. He wanted to go somewhere where his name wouldn't be made fun of.

Another resident who was sitting said Paola was the most adorable little girl. Hm.

Another resident seemed to have a thing for Emmy Leater.

These guys were arguing for their favourite girl but one was talking about Paola? Yikes...

I went round a building and followed the way round the back where I found the key another resident was looking for, finishing that quest. Woo!

Night changed to day, so I'll have different people to mingle with now. I may have missed some nighttime folk though. Bit of a pain but ah well.

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