Sunday 20 March 2022

23 xenoblade - entering tephra cave with fiora and reyn

Dear Readers,

Fiora joined Reyn and myself at the cave entrance. Also here were two defence force soldiers.

One of the soldiers asked me to kill a Willow Bunniv for him. I accepted. He had more he wanted me to kill though! He wanted us to take out two Singing Brogs and 5 Mell Lizards. I accepted all of these side quest requests.

There was also a heart-to-heart here called Enduring Friendship. It was between Reyn and myself. We chatted about how it brings back memories whenever we came here. I brought up the time we had that big fight. It was the biggest bust-up we ever had but we were glad we made up afterwards. He didn't remember what it was about and I said I didn't either, but it was probably some kid thing. I said it didn't matter, which was the wrong answer as it made our affinity drop. Oops. I said it didn't matter because we were friends and I hoped we always would be friends. He agreed.

We went inside to this new area, Tephra Cave. I got a tutorial about the kinds of enemies that attack if they see or hear you. I studied about this last time, so I was slightly ahead. I got an achievement called "A Corner of the World" for discovering 10 landmarks. Yay! The music was nice here too, a mysterious, curious theme.

The Bunnit/Bunniv thingies were the first enemies we met and we dealt with them handily. Then an area specific Skeeter, then some Caterples in their nest. We approached them and out burst a huge one called a Cellar Bugworm. Yikes. It was a bit too strong for us when I tried to take it on. Had to run away a few times and even got killed. Gonna skip past for now.

We found a tunnel hidden and it led to a bridge that crossed over the Caterple Nest. It led to more bunnits, bunnivs and a big one called a Mining Patrichev. I used some of the new mechanics about encouraging and helping fallen party members but we failed against it as well. I decided to head back to town to complete Suzanna's quest about getting sweets for her son.

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