Friday 11 March 2022

14 xenoblade - daytime mingling in the residential district

Dear Readers,

I'm still Fiora, and I'm still mingling in the residential district of Colony 9, except now it's daytime.

Many people gathered around the crashed mech. They said it was the only one they had to protect us. The poor lady who owned the house it crashed into didn't want this commotion.

Urgh... the visuals are so dense and dull that people blend into the buildings. There was a man leaning against a wall and I didn't see him until I got close. Oh well.

A woman named Betty had great admiration for an artist and said she'd give him more support today. She came up as "Kenny's biggest fan".

A lady named Francoise said it was amazing how the flowers turned to face the morning sun. She came up as "Flower-loving housewife".

A woman named Suzanna came up as "Study-mad housewife". She spoke of housework, teaching and her son. The lady she was talking to talked about Francoise and Narine.

A boy named Lukas was running around and was looking forward to another day of fun. He came up as "All alone in the world". Another boy named Moritz was playing with him and talked about graffiti. He came up as "Leader of the local kids". I guess he's the son of Suzanna by how he described her. He said his mum wanted him to study but his dad told him to play. 

Suzanna then had a quest, asking me to help. She said if her son had an incentive like sweets, he would study more. She asked me to bring her some Black Nectar, 2 lots of them from Skeeters in Tephra Cave. I accepted.

I then met Narine running around. She said Paola was talking rubbish about Shulk. She came up as "Really likes Shulk" and had a rivalry with Paola. I spoke to her mother again and the link appeared between them. I might have to do this with several people.

More of Kenny Rohan's fans appeared, looking at him from behind bushes. I spoke to him. It looks like I met him before, in the commercial district. He was enjoying the sounds of people rather than machines or shopping.

I spoke to Lukas again and the link appeared between him and his friend.

Niranira the Nopon said he wanted a friend. He was too shy to bring up the courage to deliver his letter to Lukas, so he asked me to deliver it for him. I accepted. He said Lukas always looked so happy and if he were to be friends with him then he'd be happy too. Awww... that's really sweet.

Lukas was close by and I went straight to him with the letter. Happily, Lukas said he always wanted a Nopon friend and wanted me to tell Niranira he'd like to be friends! Yay! I told Niranira the news and he was very happy. I got a Block Guarder for this.

I went to check on the three kids and established links between all of them. Unfortunately, Moritz was not as nice a friend to Niranira.

I got the achievement, Constellation, for helping people form an Affinity for one another ten times.

A female soldier asked me when I was going to join the army and I said never. She said I'd be good at it. I'm not interested though.

A man named Jackson was tucked away behind some buildings and was looking up at the sky. His personality was "Loves the sky"

A Nopon was looking for its shiny treasure, a Blue Glass Bead. I found it near where the kids were playing(I think). I had to jump over some boxes to get it. I see a use for the jump now! Anyway I had it, so I accepted and completed the quest. She was thankful and advised me on hard to reach places in the district and outside the colony too.

I met Betty again. She really was obsessed with Kenny...

The lady at the food stand had a quest. She asked me to get her some glowing rocks to brighten her shop. It was for 2 Rainbow Zirconias. I accepted.

I then learned that Niranira is the grandson of Jolele. More links...

Night fell again and I met Jorique who was training. He was a hom and he was big and tall, more than me! He referred to his Nopon brother as his big brother! That's amusing. He came up as "Cares for his brother", just like his brother and the relationship was described as "Bitter Brothers". Yikes.

I also had to return to Marcia for this particular quest. I'll wait until morning though when she's around.

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