Sunday 13 March 2022

16 xenoblade - finally bringing shulk his food

Dear Readers,

I finally decided to bring Shulk his food. I left the residential district and climbed up the winding steps, fighting little enemies until I reached him, deep in thought.

A scene played out where Shulk thought to himself about the Monado, how it was the only thing we had to fight the Mechon. He wanted to uncover its mystery and thought about Dunban losing the use of his right arm from overusing it.

I sat next to him and brought him his lunch. He told me it was amazing. I told him he always said that but he said it was even more so today. I said he had some sense of taste becuase I used special spices and herbs to bring out the flavour. We sat there together, enjoying the peace. Some sentimental violin music played.

I said he was spending too much time with Reyn and all the noise. It stopped him from enjoying a peaceful day like this. I wished it could always be this peaceful.

Just then, an alarm sounded. It was the debris alarm. Some rubble appeared in the sky and the anti-air thingies zapped it away. This was unusual. We decided to head back to town.

I'm glad it was more delicious than usual. even though I spent a few days bringing it to him haha. I got a tutorial about Affinity Cries and timed button presses to help party members. Sounds nice. I got another one about Heart-to-Hearts and checked out the one here in this area.

A scene played out where I asked Shulk if he remembered the time we watched the sun rise here when we were young. I then had a choice as Shulk to say something. I said "I invited you". She said I was silly and that she had a big fight with Dunban and ran out of the house. Another choice came up, and for fun I picked the one that said "You wanted to marry me?!", so I was controlling Shulk again.

She yelled at me, saying she couldn't believe me. She admitted saying something about wanting to be my bride but I'd promised I'd forget about it. I laughed and said sorry I couldn't resist, but I admitted I quite liked the idea of her being my bride. Wow! She said not to get any funny ideas in my head as she was just a kid and barely even knew what a bride was. 

For this I got the achievement "Heartbreaking" for having a Heart-to-Heart go as badly as possible. Oops!

We ran back to town and found another heart-to-heart spot, but couldn't access it. The new menu didn't say who it was for either. After that, we headed back to the lab.

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