Monday 14 March 2022

17 xenoblade - mysterious visions from the uncontrollable monado

Dear Readers,

I got back to the lab with Fiora and Reyn was there, about to touch the Monado. He got surprised on seeing us and when he touched it, he grabbed hold of it and it activated, making him slash all around the place like a madman.

He slashed at Fiora and broke the machine next to her. She was very cross with me when I showed more concern for the machine than I did for her. I told her the Monado couldn't hurt people but she still wasn't impressed with my lack of concern.

In all the awkwardness I grabbed hold of it myself and it activated again, making my eyes glow and putting me into some kind of trance...

A trance that made time stop and showed me visions of other characters. Some dramatic and distressing flashes of scenes played that didn't make sense.

I asked Reyn if he saw those visions and he said he didn't. I mentioned the symbol that appears in the circle of the Monado.

Reyn said the colonel put him on punishment duty. I asked if the colonel hit him and he said he did. He was really angry alright.

Reyn had to go get Ether Cylinders because they were out of stock and I had to go with him. Fiora made him promise to take care of me as I was delicate. After that, she left.

I also learned that Dunban is Fiora's brother. It looks like she is my love interest after all. Classic childhood friend scenario. It's sweet.

Dialogue boxes came up, saying I could now level up Arts and that there are Skill Trees. There were two big tutorials explaining Art Points and Skill Points to level them up. Whew... It also encouraged me to acquire skills efficiently by switching character traits to keep them even. Whew... overwhelming.

I was now with Reyn instead of Fiora. Our objective was to go to the Mag Mell Ruins in Tephra Cave to collect Ether Cylinders.

Fiora stayed behind at the entrance of the lab, telling us we needed to be prepared.

With Reyn around I was able to get a quest from Emmy Leater, who wanted him to find Miller, her only subordinate. She said he was being a lazybones in the Commercial District and avoided her when she came looking. We accepted. Affinity grew between Reyn and me and unlocked the achievement "Breaking the Ice" for having a party member step into a conversation.

Dickson was around as well, saying it was great we were going adventuring and even joked about us looking like a good couple haha.

There's going to be lots to do with Reyn in the party now. I'll have to do more mingling before we set off to get the Ether Cylinders.

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