Friday 18 March 2022

21 xenoblade - kicking butt on the beaches around colony 9

Dear Readers,

I noticed some enemies in the sidequests were around the beach area near the colony, so I decided to go after them.

I completed some quests by beating beach krabbles and cute brogs. Some preying caterples were here too.

Then we saw one big caterple called a Verdant Bluchal. It played different music and everything. I was worried it would be too powerful for us but I wanted to try it out. We did extremely well against it! We even knocked it on its back a few times. We got through this battle handily.

We completed a few more subquests by defeating Lake Flamiis, a couple of birds that were wandering around the beach.

The baby armu we fought was alright too, just needed to keep an eye on Reyn's health. I got the Blossoming Friendship achievement for improving the affinity between two party members.

Beat some light skeeters easily too for another sidequest.

After running out of sidequests I decided to explore the area and swim the perimeter of the huge body of water around Colony 9. We reached a beach with very large Flamiis and they were 70 levels higher than us. They attacked and wiped us out with one hit each. Yikes.

I got the "Come on, Cheer Up!" achievement for becoming incapacitated for the first time. Whoops. We respawned at the last visited landmark. I don't know if there's any penalty for dying as such...

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