Friday 4 March 2022

7 xenoblade - exploring the rest of the commercial district

Dear Readers,

Nighttime again in the Colony 9 commercial district. More mingling!

I met Miller underneath the platform on the other side of the shed. His personality was "Skiving soldier". He was complaining about some lady not taking him back. Didn't go into detail though.

Further on this platform, I met an old guy who had a quest. He wanted materials to make a bug trap as he didn't have time to get them himself. He wanted 1 portion of Plate Snow, whatever that is. I accepted.

Sesame was having a big secret meeting with some other men and one of those little blue guys. They were discussing recruiting different people for something big and secret. They wouldn't tell me what it was though.

A lady named Rosemary had a personality called "WANTED: 1 boyfriend", even though she was with someone practising his singing.

I met a guy sitting on a box that had a quest. He wanted me to defeat 2 Hand Bunnits for the safety of the colony. I think I did beat them already on the way here... I spoke to him again and he had another quest! Defeat 3 Beach Krabbles, again to keep the place safe. I spoke to him again and again he had another quest to defeat 2 Wood Bunnits, then another one involving 3 Light Skeeters in Anti-Air Battery 1. I accepted them all. 

I then wondered if the other numbered quests had more from the same people. I'm not sure  yet.

It became daytime again. Miller said he was skiving off because the captain was just a little girl who didn't have a clue and was all talk. Hmm...

For fun I decided to see if I could jump off the platform into the water and... yes I could. I swam around to the front gate and went up the beach, collecting things. I finished the first collection quest with the rabbit diodes! Woo! I didn't have to go back to the person either it seems. From what I can see anyway. That is good because I have trouble telling people apart, especially the unnamed ones.

I reckon that's all of the Commercial District explored. I'll go towards the Central Plaza now.

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