Tuesday 15 March 2022

18 xenoblade - mingling in colony 9 with reyn

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I had a story mission to do, but I wanted to mingle some more, this time with him because I was able to do some things now. We went to the commercial district.

A Nopon looking over the fence wanted us to defeat Wallslide Gwynry in Mag Mell Ruins. It nearly ate him when he encountered it. We accepted.

Then we found Miller who agreed to go back to Captain Emmy Leater. We had to go back to her too so we went back to her and she expressed her gratitude. This made Miller turn over a new leaf. We got Dyed Top, Dyed Bottoms and Dyed Mules as reward. The link between her and Miller was one of dissatisfaction. 

I tried skip travel for the first time to the Commercial District and got an achievement for it! There wasn't any loading either which was cool. There is loading with menus in this game though, which isn't the best thing.

Dunban advised us to be careful on the story journey and said it was good practice for us. There was a heart-to-heart downstairs but we couldn't access it.

Other than that, nothing really jumped out at us as far as mingling goes. Got some directions alright to the cave we had to go to. 

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