Sunday 27 March 2022

30 xenoblade - collecting the ether cylinders

Dear Readers,

We found ourselves in an area where the Ether Cylinders were stored. Fiora didn't know anything about this place or why we had to come here for them, so Reyn and I explained... well whatever we could. We didn't fully understand this ancient place either but it was the favoured place to get these things. It sounds like the colony depended on scavenging from these ruins.

We got what we needed, but then we were interrupted by these two floating robot thingies that confronted us. We didn't know what they were but now we had to fight.

I got tutorials for targeting and commands, specifically switching targets and issuing commands to the party. The three options were to focus on one monster, fight whatever monster was closest to you, and to regroup around the leader, that being me. Time to test all that stuff.

We fought these two things and... they weren't much trouble at all. We took them down one by one handily.

We wondered what was going on. I said they didn't look like Mechon and were more likely built by the civilisation that was long gone.

They never attacked before though. We didn't know what set them off but we were about to find out...

We looked up into the sky and saw a huge army of swarming Mechon approaching and about to descend on Colony 9! We had to go.... now!

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